How long is a week more.

Argh,time never fails to slip away stealthily whenever the computer is on.
Fine it kind of flies away when I study recently too, just not as fast. Well.

Despite the world out there is having a big hooha with Halloween,I had quite an interesting week in my little world too; talk to new people in school; sumptuous dinner with G;climbed over the school gate;went around exploring the rooftop;filtered hundreds of Gmails;discovered reliable and workable ways for weight losing;late night talks with Ali;clocked 100km on Nike+; and not to forget hitting the jackpot of the twitter password while jogging today. It was absolutely random when the idea struck me and my itchy hand decides to give it a try, heart totally skipped a lot beats when I saw the loading button Agh. Ohman this is not a good time to retrieve it definitely.

Oh and I studied, I did study hmph.I studied day and night, ok I should rephrase it, I tried to study day and night. Although my attempt to go on airplane mode failed completely,surprising I completed most of the schedules I planned four weeks ago. 

Back then I was teasing myself after the blueprint was made inasmuch I thought I was being overly ambitious, but it turns out manageable. Nonetheless it did not boost my confidence at all, should I even have any to begin with. The result that came back to me is so horrendous, three whole hours of math and I got zero questions correct out the eight question I did. Are you fucking kidding me agh. And not forgetting the Econs, Ohman,I've gone through them all and today it again look plain alien to me. My brain must have packed up and left. Oh and those physics A level MCQs, I don't even wanna question myself why am I still getting 24/40 when it's seven god damn days before the exam kicks in.Or maybe my calculator is dysfunctional,yeah it must be. Oh oh and awww how could I have forgotten to mention my GP revision? Because there is in fact really no progression at all :') This is such fabulous summary of my revision progress I can't even... 

Okay those are the negative sides of cause, we can always look things on the flip side. well ummm sorry I don't seem to have sufficient evidence to support the flip side theory hahahahah :'D Despite so,I'm not as anxious as I thought I would be, even with only one week left. Was it really me that handed my phone over to 940 back before the prelims? Was it me that did Tys twice such that I memorised every single answer by hear? Was it me that wake up at 8 sit by the table till 11pm every day? I don't like to admit that I have become lazier over the years because I feel that I studied a lot more now compared to then. But all this unprepared symptoms seems to be telling another story. 

I don't really agree to it when people say just do your best and leave no regrets because I think there is no limit to human potential. You can never be at your best, you will always get better, you can always improve.There is no end to it. Yes I finished all the FYS most of the prelim papers I made hand written notes I put in time to memorize I drew mindmaps, but I could always have done more than that;I could have done them twice; I could have memorized better;this and that.Which is why I never really regret about not doing more, I mean yes I do get upset over bad results for maybe a night, but if I chose not to study harder when I could have done so, then what's there to feel remorseful about? 

Okay I'm done with typing. Shall head back to study cause I'm a student and my job is to study, not sure for who also, myself maybe. I mean that's what people say, but I don't even know where I really wanna head to.And I probably generate a bit of positive externalities to the society as a whole. Ah who cares anyway.

Ohhhh and I just remembered something, I dreamt that I was late for A level paper today, hmm this is a bad good omen cause dream is always the opposite yeap this is not self-comforting :')  

Okay  this is really irrelevant to my entire raging post but I came across it on Fb and I love it, sooo cute :D
Such a heart-warming phrase, cause someone has to say that he misses you first before you can say;  
I miss you , too.


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