Yes this is what I've learnt recently.
It's been long since I last set my hands on blogging after I started tumblr every now and then. Alright so I have been quite, relaxing the past few weeks. Relatively so because by right I should be mugging in a cave now. ( Yes just a gentle reminder for myself it's 15 Lil more days.) Been engaging somewhat actively with jogging/running, it started off as a silly jogging therapy for myself a month ago, and frankly speaking I'm astonished by the improvement I've made thus far. :') Started using the not-so-accurate Nike+ App around a week after I started and here's a brief summary, yes it's not that fantastic compare to any athlete out there but personally it's a great achievement. :D
I remembered that back in the secondary school days the furthest distance I ever run was a 2.4 for Napfa,and then came along this senior of mine who went for a 3.5km race and I swear I secretly look up to her because 3km to me back then was like, running across the Earth's equator. Fine too exaggerate but something like that. So I started with 1.6k on the first day and yeap, with a bit of slow but steady progress I managed to hit a sweet 5Km Hohoho. And uh, there isn't any concluding trend cause some of the days I just stopped abruptly cause of stitch / dizzy giddy etc.
And hence, moving on. I joined the WE RUN SG 10K today under the not-so-persuasive-persuasion by Jonathan :') It was my first event run in my life excluding countless school runs which I cheated with ease, thus I was really excited such that as a bane I couldn't sleep last night and I rolled on bed for hours despite having to wake up at hell early 5am today. But it was totally worth it and definitely an eye opener for me seeing so many passionate runner around Singapore, 20000 people participated in the run though Jon claims that most just register for the two T-shirts given cheyyy. Which might be true to some extent cause I was surprised that people, okay a lot of people start walking when the race is only a little over 2km. Hmph I imagined that everyone will be kanchong spider and run for their life but meh. Ohwell maybe because we are not in the competitive lane for runners who are aiming below 45min.
(On a sidenote I realized my skin tone is in fact,very fair. But Le me wanna join volley ball in Uni I will uh,I will put sunblock and get judged Hmph but that's okay! Cannot waste the money my mum invest in putting me to facial.)
So well, we finished the race in 1 hour and 5 minutes, which I was quite surprised given that we stopped here and there throughout the run. :O Hohoho does that mean I have the potential to finish it within an hour? :D YAY. So anyway I guess I have kind of fallen in love passionately with jogging now, there is whole list of benefits just to name a few here :D ( Hehehe trying to psycho all my friends here so can drag y'all to runs next time should there be any :D )
- It's an absolutely freeeeee activity :D
- You can go for a run at anytime anywhere by yourself!
- It burns calories as you run help you lose fats :D
- It releases stress and clears your tangled thoughts of the day.
- You can enjoy the fresh air and scenery while jogging.
Okay this is just a few that come into my mind but I'm sure a further research will bring you back to more positive benefits Hohoh. My aim is to run a half marathon next year and ultimately by the age of 21, I should have completed a full marathon. Everything starts small,aww can't wait for the day to come, even if it doesn't come easy, but this is what makes it worthwhile at the end of the day. :'D Grr reminds me of A level good results work hard now blah blah blah, but it's true right. I feel that everything in life actually abide to a certain rule, which is why I always look up to anyone who can get something done perfectly, or specialized in any skills or talents or sports. I think the type of determination they have in achieving what they've got so far will enable them to succeed in any aspect of life. Which is why I'm trying now, trying to have more discipline and become a better person. :')
Oh and not to forget a few things happened which made me felt we are,honorably lucky today. First there was quite a long queue to deposit the baggage when we reached, but I swear we were damn lucky because they kind of filtered everyone to another lane in front as we reached so by the time we stepped into the queue, we were directed to an empty truck immediately. And the luck did not end there, after the race there was again humongous queues for the retrieval of baggage,just as we were searching frantically for our truck, there was there angel-like crew was an angelic voice shouting angelically "anyone is under truck A?! Anyoneeeeee" and we squeezed through the crowded excitedly and hell yeah man, there was not a single soul at truck A like Omg wth, I swear the rest of the crowds will spend their next one hour standing under the scorching sun waiting for their bags to be returned.You wouldn't understand how lucky we were unless you've been to such events with 20000 people queuing up to retrieve their bags one by one hmph! Yes I know this is irrelevant to the run as a whole but I just felt real lucky, and I also want to compliment the idea of putting bags in trucks so that the runners need not walk back to the starting point to collect them. How smart of, uh human brain I suppose.

As of now, considering A level is just around the corner, I'm going to hibernate in a cave and live in solitude till exam is over. I hope I can bear through these days cause I always think studying is a lonely process, you ought to accomplish it yourself and only by yourself. And frankly I don't like the idea of living alone without communication with the outside world, I enjoy receiving texts here and there from the few friends I have asking how I am doing, I enjoy talking to people cause I think human are after all social animals. Hmph and staying isolated makes me feel abandoned but, agh it's just one month, Come on Junting. Do it for yourself.