
Don’t be dismayed by goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.

- Richard Bach

I'm still amazed at how time pass by so slowly when you're living in the moment and at one point in time when you look back, everything is coming to an end. My two years in college has put to an end with the J2 Farewell assembly today,and very soon we will be pushed onto the next phase of our life.Right maybe the journey isn't over to be exact considering that the A level is our final round.After much training and K.O by numerous exams, we are all getting ready for the one last match. 
(Right I hope this post isn't gonna be too disorganized because I did not pre-plan any structure and my mind is in such a mess, with pieces and bits of memories from everywhere running through my head. I will probably try to focus on the changes and impact that VJ brought to me.) 

I did spend some time today thinking back to my two years of college life, the new friends I made, new experiences, and definitely more obstacles in life. Well I heard of many stories about JC while I was still in secondary school, people often refer it as a stepping stone to go to the university, that true friends are hard to come by, that you will meet all kinds of people. I guess I'm really lucky, to have chosen the subject combi I'm currently taking, to being allocated to 11S51, to have come to know someone who I seen almost everyday for two whole years back in Ahs and never talked to before,and eventually to come thus far with her, and that we have established such a secured and valuable friendship.I honestly can't,and glad that I don't have to, imagine walking through this journey without you, without someone to talk to everyday, without someone dangling with me at the bottom of the cohort in J1 together in the class, without someone to listen to me and make me feel appreciated every now and then.Thank you, for being you,Fann. :) 

Vj has allowed, or maybe compelled me to interact more with others. I mean, I did not go around making new friends back in Ahs, it was just the old great friends I have know all along, the NPCC girls. And the rest of the world were generally blocked out by me, not trying to make myself sounds like an introvert but just that I did not see the need to. Well the 'outsiders' have the common perception the Victorians play hard and study hard, that they are hyper and crazy. Pardon me for not using "We Victorians' cause I don't think I belong to that range. I'm not a typical Victorian I would say, I din't study hard in J1, neither did I play hard, right I played a lot but it wasn't those school involvement or CCA commitment or such. I just spent the majority of my time, uh idling. Wait did I? I couldn't even remember a thing now, gosh. 

J1 was, fine I would say. Even though my results were bad but I was pretty much comfortable with the results since I was always in that range, in any school I go to. Generally it goes like, excitement upon knowing I was posted to VJ, pretty bad experience with the orientation for being the outcast, talks to Fann, talks to Ali, and more talks to Fann and Ali. Right maybe we shouldn't leave Project work out, it was something new and definitely gave everyone headaches, we started off clueless and know no shit about it, moving on settling down, not forgetting the one and only dispute we had in the eight months of project work, and it ended off well with everyone in the group gotten an A. :)    

Honestly I've come to the conclusion that in my life, it wasn't the knowledge I learnt that my brain detain the most but the experiences, the people I met. Pardon me for using the old analogy of everyone is born a white piece of paper and slowly stories are written on it. I'm fortunate for becoming such a messy piece of paper full of scribbles an doodles, looking back I don't think I had a boring college life,I met interesting people in and out of the school I kept my secondary friendships I get to know much more about photography than when I first decide to pick it up as a hobby. Of cause not to compare with many poly kids outta there who definitely has more free time to spare but I'm fortunate enough to look back and realize it wasn't the studying that made up all of my JC life, it was just a part of it, more of like the entitled task onto me while I live my life, trying to make it worthwhile. 

There is a lot of people I want to thank, for helping me, for a kind action, for letters of appreciation, for just sitting beside me without a word being spoken, for being there. And I think we are all mature enough to know that people come, people go. And we should blame no one for the drifting of friendships, you can't keep so many friends around, it's just not within our capacity, and what's more I don't like to attend outings that I can't enjoy fully. Being in a junior college has enforced me to prioritize things a little bit better, not a lot,to differentiate the level of importance, though most of the time I'm still the old self that pushed all the work to last minute, but if I were to compare to the secondary school times, this is a great leap of improvement already. Well the saying goes, Rome wasn't build in a day. Habits takes time to form.

Changes, it's all sums up to constant changes, sorry but just to divert a bit I was doing this comprehension recently and I find it really true that the author points out that we humans are chronically attached to the past,we do not like separation from what is familiar; it makes us feel deeply insecure. Courage and psychological strength are needed to face an unknown future- especially when the future seems to be governed by forces beyond our control. But I guess perhaps this is what makes life mysterious and worth looking forward to, you will never know what fate has put in place for you just the very next second,and it would be just so boring if you could foresee everything that will happen to you in life. All we could do is to be adaptable, uh sets me thinking about Darwinism but nah it's so late already I'm signing off. I wish for determination, dedication and discipline for every single of you out there, be it you are taking exam like me, having competition or any thing at all, do not give up. :D

Saw this outside one of the LT and I thought it was interesting. :) 

Grr this is the 1000th post of my pill0w.bs and it was suppose to be reserved for my birthday post but well. This isn't a very bad replacement after all.


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