
Showing posts from December, 2011


“花甲背包客”  这是最近网络上火起来的两位可爱的老头老太太, 他们从2008年到2011年间的3年间,自助游览了全球数十个国家,“卖房去旅游”成为他们的豪迈格言,他们被称为“花甲背包客”。已自助游览了欧洲、北美、南美等数十个国家。 后来通过网络找到了他们的博客, 把每一篇文章都仔细阅读了一遍,感动一切尽在心头上。好羡慕她们勇于追求自己的梦想。 我经常一次又一次的问自己,什么时候才能主宰自己的人生,什么时候可以选择不要循规蹈矩的过着长辈口中循规蹈矩的生活,甚至,一辈子。 或许你们曾经在过去40年里看过太多梦想支离破碎,受过太多委屈太多磨难。但我多么希望你们未曾把这些黑暗的经历告诉我,让我对未来除了迷茫就业只剩下惶恐。以致如今,我对未来的注释将是巨大的房屋贷款,供车供房供儿女供父母。被金钱束镈的不能动弹。 看了他们二老的事迹后,我内心里又油然的产生一种让我甚是亢奋的念头,我也要环游世界。那将是我毕生的梦想,或者说,那是我从懂事至今唯一一个从未放弃过的念头。小时候看得百科书也好,电视机里的旅游节目也好,甚至是网上不经意看到的各国风情的照片,都无不牵动着我那一颗想在生前踏遍地球,留下渺小的足迹,的心。然而后来逐渐长大,当长辈甚至同辈的人问起我的理想时,我悲观的发觉,告诉他们自己想环游世界同等于小王子费尽心思让大人看出他的画一样的徒劳无功。于是讨论的话题不得不转为我想成为一个外交部的公务员等云云。 对未来终于决定稍做一个潦草的规划,明年考上国大后,24岁毕业。努力赚钱,身体状况健康的话,工作到50岁退休,开始环游世界。尚若较差,那么就提早十年40岁退休。 其实计划这些的时候唯一的顾虑就是如果成家了,自己的丈夫会不会反对。虽然我很想和他一起走遍世界,但毕竟人是不同的生物,每个人都有自己的生活自己的标准与理想。但,我想,我不会因为任何人放弃自己的理想,这一次,我想勇敢的,去实现自己一辈子的梦想。 人生或许有成千上万种活法,但我们只能活一次,那么,请不要后悔自己做出的选择。 但我想,尚若哪一天我们后悔了。只要还或者,那么永远都不算太迟,一切皆有改变的可能。 不可以再放弃了。 花甲背包客 - 人物语录 不要被财富绑架...

S. KOREA- The unforgeable.

"A hug is worth a thousand words. A friend is worth more." I finally decide to blog about my nine days long Korean trip, was thinking of spending the night studying but gave up after realising the fact that I've not been studying any shit the whole day anyway so might as well blog now. Honestly speaking I don't know what to type to express this memorable trip I had, at times like this I wish I knew more vocabs. Sigh. ): It's my first oversea trip without any adult ( as in parents or whatsoever ) feel like a matured cause like, finally grew up that kinda thing. Well it's so like, words couldn't describe how I felt about the trip, or maybe I'm just to elaborate.. :/ Oh well. I'm dead tired now, got off the plane at 9.30, came home and upload photos under intense pressure 'cause everyone is uploading. Had dinner with chua and 940, been hell long since I last saw them. (': Hopefully get to see them on Christmas eve I guess....


 Ahn-nyung-ha-se-y! 내일   한국   갈거야 :D Yay! So basically I'm making my way to Korea tmr! (: Eggcited much, first non-english / chinese speaking country I will be travelling to in my life. Though still trapped in Asia. And what's more it's my first time travelling without an adult with me. ;O Feel mature at last. Have been staying at home for the past week to, well ideally to do some serious work but, okay I did a bit. A tinge of work done.R-paper gonna be bad, as bad as promo, hopefully not any worse. I need to confirm with reliable source if the R-papers are the exact same paper as promos. Hush shan't talk about studies, at least not now. On a happier note I lost 3kg after 7 days of painful dieting. Lastly I hope I can have all the fun in Korea the next ten days!  ♥   So anyway the whole world was talking about the Eclipse last night, I was hoping I could see something like this: But all I could see by the time I went downstairs and s...

50 Things to do Before you Die

Taken from: Photo by  Anne Froelisch 1. Set foot on each of the seven continents. Antarctica might seem like a tough one, but  here’s how . Once you’ve reached all seven you can truly call yourself a world traveler. 2. Cross a country on a bicycle. A bicycle  tour takes some planning , but it beats being separated from a country though a passenger-side window. 3. Ride something bigger than a horse. Trekking through the jungle on the back of a  two story tall elephant  will surely be something you remember forever. 4. Live like a local for a month. The experience  of visiting native peoples will give you way more insight into another way of life than two years hopping from one backpacker ghetto to the next. 5. Visit a “real”  blues bar in Chicago . What better way to leave music’s commercialism behind and find the soul of the blues? 6. Learn another language. This is ...