S. KOREA- The unforgeable.
"A hug is worth a thousand words. A friend is worth more."
I finally decide to blog about my nine days long Korean trip, was thinking of spending the night studying
but gave up after realising the fact that I've not been studying any shit the whole day anyway so might as well blog now.
Honestly speaking I don't know what to type to express this memorable trip I had, at times like this I wish I knew more vocabs. Sigh. ):
It's my first oversea trip without any adult ( as in parents or whatsoever ) feel like a matured cause like, finally grew up that kinda thing.
Well it's so like, words couldn't describe how I felt about the trip, or maybe I'm just to elaborate.. :/ Oh well.
I'm dead tired now, got off the plane at 9.30, came home and upload photos under intense pressure 'cause everyone is uploading.
Had dinner with chua and 940, been hell long since I last saw them. (': Hopefully get to see them on Christmas eve I guess.
So alright, let's beginnnnn.
The first three days was spent at valvadi park for ski, just one word: shiok.
I kinda trembled on the way down the intermediate slope, I swear my legs were shaking and it felt like
the longest journey I ski-ed ever in my life. Was so fortunate that I just fell and rolled in snow for a few meters instead of getting my bones fractured or something.
After which we had two days homestay at the ultra friendly super loving jiwon's house.
He is like damn shy and we were awkward-ing the whole time, but I love and miss those laughters.
Apart from the Korean friends I made along the trip, I grew so much closer with the three of them than I ever did in the four years of Np life in Ahs. (:
Lastly shall ended off a pretty photos took at Nami island or something.
Most photos in this blog is credited to Mandy :D Thanks for editing.

I apologise for the short and incomplete post but there's just too much to say and I'm really tired.
I hope those memorises remains in my heart at the very least, and really hope that I'll be in singapore when Jiwon visit us next year in Dec :D