
Showing posts from August, 2011


最好的事情就是经常和你在一起。(: 犹记得某伟人说过:读书就应该像饥饿的人扑在面包上一样。对此 我想弱弱的说一句:我最近在减肥。。。 读书啊读书啊读书啊。18天有没有。最近很不是时候的开始咳嗽WTS。 NO 此时此刻生病是最最最不应该发生的事。 不要啊~~~ 今天心情就蛮沉重的。PW走到这一步,是谁都不想的吧。但愿不要事与愿违就好。


我是一个喜欢拥抱多过于亲吻的人,因为拥抱总是会带来温暖。 。 其实,真的蛮失望的。要知道我完全可以不告诉你我和他在一起的, 就,有那么一点天真的以为,你和我妈不一样。实在是,太痴人说梦了么? 曾经以为,可以和你无所不谈。看来,是不可能了。再怎么说也毕竟,隔了一代人。 吃一鳖长一智(好像是“ 鳖”字)看来以后要学乖点了。有些事,还是不要说出来好。 大人喜欢把简单的是复杂化。可能就是为什么有人写出了 “小时候,幸福很简单。长大后,简单就是一种幸福”这句话吧。一切,都太复杂了。不累么。 但或许是都是被逼无奈吧。不是么?随着年龄的增长,考虑的事也越来越多。非自由的自由。 就怎么说呢,虽然自己有权利做决定的事多了。但真正可以供我们选择的路却没有几个。 好比,一个只有一个选项的选择题。 don't cry over spilled milk 选择吃下去的就坚决不吐出来。是自己不怎么值得表扬的作风。算是缺点吧。 自己认定要走的路就一路高歌的走下去,就算跌倒了,也不会怨天尤人。 毕竟,路是自己选的。曾经在某一个瞬间里,自己选择了义无反顾的一路前进。 人么,总是要有点故事的。要不然岂不是有点失败。不是说人生不要留白嘛~ 人生就像一场赌局,不可能把把都赢。但只要筹码在自己手上,就永远都会有希望。 “ 每个人在成长中都会受很多伤,会哭泣悲伤,会觉得痛。许多事情,总是在经历过后才明白。痛过了,便坚强了;跨过了,便成熟了;傻过了,便懂得了适时的珍惜与放弃。总是在失去了什么,才能学会珍惜什么;总是在碰了壁,才能学会改变什么,放弃什么。 ” 那么请让我一步步的享受这成长的过程吧。 可能是缺心眼吧。可能是幼稚吧。但我只是想以自己的身份活一次。 好了。学海无涯苦作舟。书到用时方恨少。为了不要重蹈覆辙(果然不是yan哈。) 在剩余的二十一天,小隽隽我要开始一鸣惊人了~Nah just kidding 面对学校高手如云我只要能做到不见家长,老师不打电话给娘,全部科目及格且说的过去就好了。 其实读书并非一件苦差事!知识是力量的泉源。看了太么多感人肺腑的,别人的人生。 刘伟的一句“要么死,要么精彩的活着” 听得我有点儿心酸,也很内疚。 但或许那种常人没有的毅力,真的要自己亲身经历点什么,才能让自己的魄力爆发出来吧 我是个芝麻大小的普通人,真的做不出什么举世惊人的...

Oh, let's do this right, with just a kiss goodnight.

Yay :D Hi dear blogger, I've brought you the biggest news of the year. :) - act shy - Imma, in love . omg like a bit oppsy since I just said few months ago that I won't be attached these two year. OHWELL, 这种事情不是我决定的 you know~ Like 顺其自然就好~ OMG BUT A BIT AWKWARD HERE SINCE HE KNOWS MY BLOG ( HI BABY! )DEN LATER I COMPLIMENT HIM THEN HE ARMCHIO LOLOLOL. OKAY SO I SHUDDUP :/ But yah, he is nice guy sioh (': - touched like a finally - Like what 940 said, " I think this is your best relationship ever " Hahahah kaykay good keep it up yo! :DDD COME VJ NEXT YEAR YO, 6 POINTERRR - Pumps in pressure - 'right hadn't been blogging for damn long (or was it just my hallucination, feels like I din't touch comp for ages) Life is, great, duh. Okay need study hard sioh. 23 days to promos. well done. )': I have serious problem in passing my geography eh. dammit. despite w/ population as a major topic. Kaykay can't pressurize myself. Need to chill. but then 就有...

Life, take as it comes.

It's been another, rather short week. 'Cause time simply just flies, literally. Been a good but not so productive week, this post will be boring anyway. Okay all my posts're boring recently cause studies is getting on my nerves, seriously. A senior w/ rather badly done A level result came back to give us a talk on Monday, to remind, or rather warn us that not all of us are going to step out of VJC with As in hand.Not all. And I'm sadly, as expected, within the range that's so not going to get any A if I remain stagnant at where I am now. Oh damn , fine I will study 'right. In fact I'd already started. It's just that I'm not efficient enough, I'm not hard working enough and I'm not that perseverance right. Okay fine this is a major issue. Okay fine I shall push myself harder. Trying not to leave too much regrets in life when I look back at all the things I've done eventually. "I'm not saying it's going to be easy. Nothing in...