
Showing posts from March, 2011
Life is, freaking busy. Sure this isn't the first time I'm saying it this year, But the truth is, I have just a few things to complete, & I'm procrastinating , and it's killing me for the past few weeks. where is stupid 940 siannnn can't she faster get her ass back ): & ahhhhhh is chua v busy nowadays? Seems like she is. Okay I am too ): But still, I miss you all. I wanna tell you two that my class is freaking awesome, we are a bunch of crazy yet lovely peoples. :D I'm happy, everyday. For most of the time I am, and the happiness ends the minute I start doing hw, Just how depressing things can get when I start on physics & Idk how to do any. fuccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkk I'm not hardworking enough. Ikr? ___________________________________________________________________ spent the whole night doing your Birthday card despite the fact that there's no purpose in it cause you don't even give a damn about it. Hmms so... I'm like a retard? F...

Put all to an end.

No reason to stay is a good reason to go.

Cause baby you're a firework.

Hello babehs, argh life is been damn busy recently, like this two weeks. )))): Hai shall msg you all soon! :D Anticipate my msg kay! Had VOG & Cheer dance ( screwed up big time :/ ) & ate steam boat with Alicia weeeee. They charge us $2 bucks for freaking Tap water with Ice dammit, & I bet th ice is tap water too. Okay why I jumping to steamboat so fast. Cross country was slack, and we took short cut, despite so my ranking is like 715, among th girls. Can you can you can you tell that I'm teletubby? Imma pooooo pooo opooo :D Oh well gonna start serious work from now since that Cheerdance is over & maybe ( highly doubt. ) I will be more free? ( Like real, I will just get busier and busier until Im forgotten by all of you.) I kind of love my class now (: They are pretty nice people. Oh and we camwhore damn a lot everyday ( Okay it just started recently. :/ LOMO FTW ! ) Seems that camwhoring is the only entertainment you can do in a JC, hahaha. Oh oh oh and If I din...

You are my first

It was tonight that I realise I hadn't really dedicate a proper post about you yet, and now is the time I think I really should, before everything gets blur and you are forgotten, if there will be such a day, I mean, just if. And of cause you won't be seeing this anyway (: It seems such a long time ago, that I first saw you. Ironically, It was Chad who brought me along to go to his church camp. A guy who wore oversize and seems thick hoodie came into that stuffy and hot room, and sat behind me. ( I guess? cause I never really turn back to look at you.) Our first conversation was nothing special but me asking around who has the song Hot and cold ( Just look at how long ago this was, when Hot&cold was all around th malls.) You raised your hand lazily and said, I got. Back then you were still using a sony ericson phone, and I still remember you searched high and low for the song (cause you had two seperate Memory cards.) May it be fate or coincident. We were allocated in the s...

嗤之以鼻的 Happily ever after

It's 1.13am now and I couldn't sleep due to some Ice coffee I had in school this afternoon, watched Rapunzel online 明知道结局是幸福快乐美满,却还是在主人公遇到困难时哭了, 并非故事情节多么动人,但或许,只是想找个流泪的理由罢了, 又或许,是因为深知如此的爱情不存在于这个世界而感到悲哀,绝望,甚至,同情。 今天晚上很饿,很累,可惜睡不着。 最近压力很大,因为压力的积累而倍感吃力,其实,只是自己的惰性罢了。 上课时明明听不懂却还是学人家用手机,明明听不懂却装的无所谓, 或许,是时候觉悟自己没有别人的天资,而该靠后天的努力的时候了。 突如其来的感到莫名的恐惧。 老妈也每天把“我为了你连公民都申请了你最好给我考到奖学金”挂在嘴边, 每天唠叨来唠叨去也只是说:有什么难的,你每科考到A就行了。 你以为这么容易考么?这么容易全世界的人都考奖学金了。 每次说到最后都说的我心烦意乱。 今天也不知道怎么了,好像突然生你的气。对不起额, 也不知道你有没有发觉,真的对不起,我太自私和意气用事了。 对不起, idk why am I undergoing th pressure she applied to me and threw tantrum on you. I feel terrible, I'm really sorry. 真的,不是不喜欢上学。学校很好,同学很好,一切都很好。