Cause baby you're a firework.

Hello babehs, argh life is been damn busy recently, like this two weeks. )))):
Hai shall msg you all soon! :D Anticipate my msg kay!

Had VOG & Cheer dance ( screwed up big time :/ ) & ate steam boat with Alicia weeeee.
They charge us $2 bucks for freaking Tap water with Ice dammit, & I bet th ice is tap water too.
Okay why I jumping to steamboat so fast.

Cross country was slack, and we took short cut, despite so my ranking is like 715, among th girls.
Can you can you can you tell that I'm teletubby? Imma pooooo pooo opooo :D

Oh well gonna start serious work from now since that Cheerdance is over & maybe ( highly doubt. )
I will be more free? ( Like real, I will just get busier and busier until Im forgotten by all of you.)
I kind of love my class now (: They are pretty nice people.
Oh and we camwhore damn a lot everyday ( Okay it just started recently. :/ LOMO FTW ! )
Seems that camwhoring is the only entertainment you can do in a JC, hahaha.
Oh oh oh and If I din't get into housecomm I want go learn dance outside (:
(See Joy dance until very nice and I secretly thinks that maybe dance will boost your
confidence in front of a crowd? Teehehe, but then I do things always like three min heat.)
:/ Last time piano also like that, hai. But haiya I got a million things I want to learn lah,
Like dance like piano like photography like how to score for A level maybe hahahahahahaha.

I think I'm like jumping here and there in my post ,
cant really blame me cause I did this post separately in two days' time.
I found back my long lost friendship with ru zhu, oh touched *
alicia wee please refrain from armchio when you see this (:
but th truth is I love you and i'm glad we spent some personal time tgt xD
Hahahaha hmm lets sneak out more next time lalala.

Okay serious matters now, now that term one is over, and I had learnt,
basically, hmm nothing. Physics is fucking hard, or maybe is cause I stupid,
Okay I'm in strong believe that Im stupid cause I have been seeing my
frens listen to th lecturer for 10 min then started doing tutorials like piece of cake
while I was still trying to catch up and lagged way behind where th lecturer stopped.
Sigh, or maybe, perhaps they mugged at home secretly the whole night then come school
act smart! ;O Hmmm i shall start mugging secretly soon. !@#%*&(^%#$@

I got tons to catch up this holiday but life is freaking busy. ):



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