
Showing posts from July, 2010

雨下整夜 .

This is my everlasting Love; it has been with me since Sec 2. I'm really sorry that I neglected it for a few days, weeks months, until this fateful morning, I went talking to it, and to my shock, one of it's eye went missing. 对不起,没有好好照顾你。 Hmphh, Okay this is rubbish. I have a change of ideal photo in mind, Tar-da! 就是你了! I like Friday the most now! Cause Friday means th next day no need wake up at 6.30! Friday means can use computer for 2 hours! Most importantly, Friday means can talk to M! :D Hee.

Despicable; us.

Question on mind : What exactly is this yellow bean called ? Okay stupid question.Anyway Despicable me is cute (: { I'm not that outdated yet ho, at least I watched it on last Friday.} I love these yellow "jumping beans". Just sooo adorable. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Actually I have no idea why am I still blogging now, when everyone else's is dead. Is two hours a week considered as a Luxury for a O level candidate? Hai, I think I'm pretty slack now. Even though It seems that I'm studying from 3.30 to 11.30pm, but taking away slack off, day dreaming, eat, toilet and everything, Perhaps only 4 hours are efficient. Aww. And I realise most of my recent blog post is on studies, so no life. Hmph, But my life is revolving around studies and test now. what else shall I talk about? :/ Er. Er. Er. Magnetism. Esterification. Alcohol. Electromagnetism. Fermentation. Nylon. Alkane. Solenoid. Compass. Soft magnet...

Crazy in Love With -

Finally, after one hour of hardwork, added some pictures onto this dull and boring blog :/ Sources of images : another pretty nice Blogskin. I need all the time I can get now. { Found this nice piece of work from a book I read. } Ps. I just realised th Tagboard is Stationary , Damnit. Let it be then -.- I spent one hour trying to fix it already. Now it's Unique :/ I will do sth about it the next time I use computer.


青春如酒,成长正酣 。 Change of blogskin, wanted to change to something more colorful, { Since Darly once said my blogskin seems too Black-white } But seems that this skin is even simpler, no music no intro, just a tag board left. Well, simplicity is th way (: 又回到{上学回家}这样两点一线的生活啦! 听起来似乎是用在{抱怨生活很无聊枯燥}的语境里, 但其实我觉得一点也不{无聊枯燥} ! 因为这两个点里有一个点可以和我的爱爱们打情骂俏,还有一条线上有好吃的 Carrot cake :D { 两点一线 } 的生活其实是很美好达! 又过去一个礼拜了,星期一,醒来,小叹一下,眨眨眼,就星期五了。 倒计时:九十九天。{ 背景音乐:九十九朵玫瑰花~} 最近么,麻嘛对我很好咧,让我有种受宠若惊的感觉。 前天我说:麻嘛我要吃木瓜! 麻嘛就打给他要他买木瓜回来。 昨天我心血来潮的说:偶要吃黑巧克力!偶要IKEA的黑巧克力!巧克力! 麻嘛就打给他去IKEA卖黑巧克力回来。 { 嗯酱我是不是应该比较感谢他才对咧 ?} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 无聊喔无聊, 你知道么,寂寞是多么可耻喔~ 哦水准,你可知道老娘为了你,连手机都砸进去了, 就算不是名列前茅的状元也不能名落孙山 :/ { 当然,我也没有那么胸怀大志的要考个那个什么年级前十,前一百我就偷笑了啦~ } 如今我也只能从好的方面想啦,至少还有Itouch陪伴着我,为我{与书为伍}的生活带来些色彩。 学会苦中作乐,面对TYS的无情摧残,我坚强地坚持不懈地复习着~ 从去厕所看小说改成带着{报章报道}开始, 从把代表Victory的V手势变成 Fleming's Left Hand Rule晃来晃去开始, 从书桌方圆一米之内除了课本就是TYS开始, 小隽隽终于决定发奋图强了! 我要像小强同志学习! 自强不息! 海牙! 其实Bl...


读书去了, 白白 !


想像心正在起飞 漫步在地中海边 再见说过了以后 我离开你很远 自以为是的从容 不想你把心放空 却忘了旅行终究 得回头 我在 回来时把倔强遗忘在入境的门口 再也无处可躲 满身的失落 在这第九夜 没有你的我 终于开始感到寂寞 过去这期间 我的无所谓 全都是谎言 过了第九夜 我想用一切 回到十天前的世界 想念 那窗外却已天黑 天黑 _


OHH 亲爱的 ALICIA WEE , Look I put our unglam photo on it ! :D Look at our last photo taken in that toilet, same pe shirts ( I assume ) , just tat we were both long hair :/ V weird ho? Our hair seems grow shorter by shorter as time pass. Okay this post will be blogged randomly, as according to th sequence of th photos. HI this is Shiyin's dog with a retarded "cute" tongue ( it's forever 歪一边 ) Yeahhh , did I mention that I went to Shiyin 's house for steamboat, Uhmm last Friday? or last last Friday, couldn't remember anymore. Can't afford to use up my memory space for unnecessary things anymore, Okay not so exaggerate till so extreme yet. It was down pouring like mad that day , & her house nearby's drainage system sucks! Everywhere also flood. Question : Why 940 smiles so happily in th photo ? Hint The black object on table. Answer : She was messaging her beloved baby th whole time, Hmphh. ______________________________________________________...