
Showing posts from April, 2009
DAY 23 Starting to forget tat we aren't together , thus forget to send the dates . And somehow it was screwed up by this I-duno-which-sentence ysd . Holy shit D: De whole week is tiring , lik shop , lik 2.4 , lik pop . I would really dedicate a long long post if i could , But I COULDN't Damn it , My life is really building up a fence . Shrugs , I'm eager for food now . n o w n o o w n o o o w n o o o o w ~ STUDY JUNTING :[ Mid year is around de corner , u see tat corner there ? Yesh tat's it tat corner ! Mid yr is there . My weight is accerlerating at a increasing rate with the decreasing no. of days left to Mye .
DAY 20 Back in library chiong-ing El ppt . Shrugs , jus realise paper one is next wk . Wth ? I dun even noe de format of letter writing / speech / proposal yet larhs :[ GG . But wadeva , Ysd is kinda crazy msging with G , budden so cute :] Oh well , Happy schooling for evyone in poly today :D :D :D ( Y tuesday end so late larhs ! D: ) I wan watch my 17Again , humans recruiting ! :] Toopid tofu 's birthday on wed , present ._. searching in process ._. Tmr 2.4 run @ east coast :D I wanna play at de beach after tat . Duno some DUA LICIA free or not / or rather her dear papa let or not . Study . Study . Its taking up most of my time nowadays . But still my passion for clothes ! :D :D :D :D Nevertheless , is stil Burning ! Lol! 我的热情 ! 啊! 好像一把火 ! 啊! 燃烧了整个沙漠 ! 啊 !  Okiie Im crazy I noe :] Lol , Jus endured de WHOLE 90MIN of chem & L8r on with another whole 90 min of chi ! D: I must ren ! I'm 忍者神龟 ! ( NinjaTurtle ) :D Y am I so hyper ? Ya lo Why am i so hyper ? Ya lo Y am I so h...
DAY 17 . Finally can blog again , gosh my blog ): I cant believe it tat I abandoned u . Shrugs , I've a feeling tat even after mye , my mother oso wont retrieve de internet . Toopid lo ): Compuer ! Internet ! I'm a Caveman ! -.- Walao tests after tests , I barely slept 10 hrs since monday larh , 3 more tests after today , I will sleep for 20 hrs tonite ! ): Duno when I can sit bac relax on sofa , and post a long along one again . I swear phys is Shit , I feel as if Im not taking de sub yet I have to go for de test . Lmao , retarded . retardation , negative accleration , phys ... & de present is stil on my table , collecting dust , but perhaps he oso wont use it . Nvms :] I must 看的开 ! :D :D xoxo , do u noe tat I miss u ? :]
Back posting , back to comp lab for eng , back for 'research' . Ysd nite is Disastrous . A sudden lighting mood swing struck me . LOL . dhen I started to cry , rar n cry , n cry . Wtheck . Dhen finally get back my peaceful mood at 12 n start study til nearly 3 . Dhen msg weiwei til 4.30 & fall asleep . Roars . Dhen Woke up at 5.30 so I decide not to sleep anymore . And I get too nervous jus now for de toopid emath n I mixed up de formulas . Damn it , I forget completly wats a eqn , screw u Y=mx+c ! D: & Btw , since I just happen to realise mye start on 060509 , paper 1 on 280409 . I decide to start S T U D Y . well , after a couple of movies perhaps . :D I wan to watch 17Again & Knowing & Handsome suit & Monster VS aliens (: Hooos . Junting u must say NO to emo ! :]
DAY 8 . arghs Im stil alive . no comp uh no comp ): I should consider close de blog til I can post often again . But . lazy . argh . I miss him . argh . Damn . I WANT MY COMP BACK . ( watching KnOwing on friday :D ) Anw peepo . Don bother coming to my blog til mye over (:
APIRL FOOL ; DAY ONE . such a nice day to begin a life without you . ( I'd rather I'm lying ) I seriously have to say tat life without a computer is filled up with emptiness . Which made me had even more time to emo when I don even want to . I'd been really trying my best to pay attention for every lesson . But sadly , I seriously just cant make it for some subjects , lik phys lik geog D: Ysd is a total chaos I would say . I spend de whole bloody day eating and sleeping , doing nothing else . Dammit , I must have atleast gain 1kg for tat . Freak ! So I slept a total of 8 hrs ysd , tat's alot . Considering tat I sleep for about 5hrs a day on average . And then followed by today , I spend de whole day siting on my seat . Thinking back to the church camp , the pillow , the night . Never had I tot there will be something on between us when the camp is over . Never had I tot we will ended up lik this ; With me choose to leave instead . So what if I love you ? From a differ...