Back posting , back to comp lab for eng , back for 'research' .
Ysd nite is Disastrous . A sudden lighting mood swing struck me .
LOL . dhen I started to cry , rar n cry , n cry . Wtheck .

Dhen finally get back my peaceful mood at 12 n start study til nearly 3 .
Dhen msg weiwei til 4.30 & fall asleep . Roars .
Dhen Woke up at 5.30 so I decide not to sleep anymore .
And I get too nervous jus now for de toopid emath n I mixed up de formulas .
Damn it , I forget completly wats a eqn , screw u Y=mx+c ! D:

& Btw , since I just happen to realise mye start on 060509 , paper 1 on 280409 .
I decide to start S T U D Y . well , after a couple of movies perhaps . :D
I wan to watch 17Again & Knowing & Handsome suit & Monster VS aliens (:
Hooos .

Junting u must say NO to emo ! :]


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