DAY 17 .

Finally can blog again , gosh my blog ): I cant believe it tat I abandoned u .
Shrugs , I've a feeling tat even after mye , my mother oso wont retrieve de internet .
Toopid lo ): Compuer ! Internet ! I'm a Caveman ! -.-

Walao tests after tests , I barely slept 10 hrs since monday larh ,
3 more tests after today , I will sleep for 20 hrs tonite ! ):
Duno when I can sit bac relax on sofa , and post a long along one again .
I swear phys is Shit , I feel as if Im not taking de sub yet I have to go for de test .
Lmao , retarded . retardation , negative accleration , phys ...
& de present is stil on my table , collecting dust , but perhaps he oso wont use it .
Nvms :] I must 看的开 ! :D :D

xoxo , do u noe tat I miss u ? :]


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