Showing posts from April, 2008
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opps my dear blog so sorrie i dint update so often.. busy wiv friendster these few days.. ysd i so damn kind help jason update his friendster.spent my whole precious nite.walao.. i so gudd lah.. dint noe seh..:D anw l8r going orchard my dear weiting is in deep trouble.. feel soo sorrie for her lah.. nothign to post lo. suddenly rmber my dnt haven do finish opps.=.=
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and anw day after sch went to dnt workshop n i actually finally finished my product.. WOOSH~hahas den after tat i beg n beg ah tay finally agree to drive mi TILL damai sec there.. repeating his own ex'cus of there will be traffic jam if i sent u all de way to tpy anw nvm ..lyk he said.. i jammed in de PIE while taking 506 ask tat..=.= kaos den de notice from HEAVY TRAFFIC becm MASSIVE JAM im lyk walao erhhh so i w8 n de bus 'is lyk move a few meters den stop. i get totally pissed n so i fall sleep....=.= den suddenly wake up realise tat i missed de bustop.. so i chiong down b4 de bus go on another PIE to jurong liao =x lols anw goign watch tv liao
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HAPPI BDAE QINGYING HAPPY GAL! 2304 lols hope eeu lyk my present forr u lah anw ho is lyk diaoed? mon i was calling qy ask her she prefer teddy bear or cat lo.. den she was lyk hu r u? lols break my heart den im lyk u duno ar?nvm tell mi wat u lyk can ler.. blih blah bloh.. den de nxt day ho..i saw her in 2k.den she start tell mi JUNTING.U NOE HO YSD GT 1 FREN CALL MI N SUDDENLY ASK I LYK BEAR OR CAT LO.. I DUNO HU LAH.DEN SHE SO FUNNY SAY WAT NVM NOT IMPORTANT.. den moment i heard tat im lyk.. =.=ll speechless actualy dun wan tell her tats mi de.. budden cant stop from laughing so after she say de whole thing im lyk ... qingying.tell u sumthing wor.. de one hu call u is ME lehh...=x n she was lyk SHIOK! HUH?! n den she start to laugh out loud. lols..we so drama lahh... liddat oso can.. anw happi bdae dear qingying
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2day is lyk shld i put it? normal. lols.anw juz now at laobu house i finally pick up my dear courage to step on de weighing machine =.= lols n im lyk WAT THE FUCK n den silence.....silence......silence....... WAT THE FUCK im dead meat FUCK OFF.. eeeewwwww i going jian fei lah.. WAT THE FUCK 2pid licia all ur fault. everytym drag mi go eat..T.T WAT THE FUCK i must relax..breathe in breathe out WAT THE FUCK opps so mani f word..-.-
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looking through past posts. especially nov 2007 tat period. den feel lyk tell him sumthing. tho i noe he'll nvr be here again. n yeap i forgot his hp no. del from contact n so its gone foreva. to you/him. i just happen to recall back everything. dun worry i dun love.or rather lyk u ler. just think abt de fers eva msg us sent on 080907.nice number.i juz realise.789. den follo by blah blah.. for tat i shall keep it to myself. tho i wan share tat wiv u. budden after considering others would read too.i decided not to. den tym fast forward to de day i told u i cant msg eeu lame shyt excuse i use is fake.maybe u duno yet. but ofcoz is not important.not now. i cant msg cox my msg bao ler. :D den de "last" long long msg i sent. in fact i dint expect u to reply tat. budden ofcox im happi tat u did. now com to think of it. 19.11.07 isnt a ending. for de sake tat we dint even start. did we? no... i use to tot we i realise. we had never start anything. u made al...
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back home now doing e dnt project de ppt.omg im such a gudd gal..^^ claps* haha okie lame.anw i bao 2k msg.. tats lyk WOW? -.- zd i noe u will be saying i shen zai fu zhong bu zhi fu lah.. =x budden now my msg counter is 2008... nice nnum tho.tis year..-.- nvm put tat aside..lets tok about... er...nothing much actualy.. qingying bdae on wed.. zhidan bdae on 1st may.. wooz.. bankrupt :( budden nvm dun worry i'll still buy.. how nice can i get? ^^
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pop's over. gosh.evyone is lyk crying. except mi? dunoo yy oso.. tot i will budden in e end dint.. i shall tok more abt it l8r. start from de start.. fersly i shall skip de part of how i get all my things ready. budden i reali polish evything n iron evyting tis tym. god sake.fers tym..dun worry it wont be de last.. n den rech sch at perhps ait b4 7. den folloed by mandy jolene.etc etc supposingly we should be practicing de dance.. budden in e end bcm polish de boots. thys laopo aka qian ying n eunice for helping mi polish de boots till so shiny x33 ya and den we change den master parade. quite fun though..=x well its reali quite diaoed tat i received both TDB as well as TDS on de same day.. which means there is no need of putting up de TDB n i can just put on TDS ..tats lyk LOLs? laughs* okie nvm den we went to de AVT rite?... n performance..n we watched de videos.. ya luckie they cut off de part.. gosh.if not i will be digging a hole on de spot n hide inside lah..okie tats too dra...
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MY SONY ERIC HP K810I IS BACK! yea yea yea. :D after a tough tym..its finaly back again ^^ i will never leave u again :D muack :D its a pretty logn story :D nn tat 2pid OM teo ah pei :D keep giving mi de look tat :D i owe him $100mil liddat :D tho so much trouble :D my hp is back :D muack muack :D i lurve u dear phone :D
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OMG.finaly i see wat de chinese mean by 倒霉时喝水也塞牙 or something liddat.=x lols.i duno y de hell or wat de hell. 2day im so LUCKY.reali SO LUCKY. tho its not reali tat worse budden im juz IN DE LUCK OF DAO MEI.. lols.lets go back to de past. n start from de morning.. i lost my ONLY BLACK RUBBER BAND =.=..i was finding it in de morning. well i onli gt 1 BLACK hair band n i put it in my PENCIL CASE. den i found out my pencil case is mssing i lost my PENCIL CASE. i dig n dig in de whole hosue n i couldnt find it. i cldnt find it in sch oso.T.T i dun reali think i left at laobu's house. budden anw im going bac there to check 2mr.. so for now.i take it as i lost. coz most likely i dun think is there. TWO BLACK PEN TWO HIGHLIGHTER TWO PENCIL 1 ruler 1 eraser 1maple toy.. ($1 gacha de) n most important TAT PRECIOUS CUTE CUTE ANGEL tmd.i alrdy lost de boii boii now de gal gal is GONE oso..T.T. walaooooooooooooo....... 4gt it.put tat aside.. de worst havnt com yet... den i went to sch (...
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so 2day de is band handover?oic band peepo will be emo alot.i guess. =x npcc handover is coming soon. 2weeks tym?.. im falling in love wiv it.. dunno if i will cry.. maybe?maybe not..=x hope de dance is at de best we can be.. n hope we wont screw up de ending parts. hopes it fun no matter wat. as i said before. i dun lyk to cry. i dun lyk to see peepo i lurve cry too.. lets all smile.laugh. tho it might look retarded. but dun make it surrounded by a sadd atmoshpere. tok abt sumthing happi den :D im at tamp library now. n is lyk i topped up $2 just.. will used up at 4.05. budden de comp gt some problem de tym remaining n de balance 25min.n as tym passed de $ remains de same.. oh in de luck. so i had been using de comp FOC for de past 30min. im going to use another 1hr or more. even tho i might have nothing to do budden i wont miss tis golden chance haha :D n sumthing else too. shihao's sch VS ahs bball B division de EAST ZONE EXCELLENCE FOR SPORTS-...
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another thing from a chain msg. funny luh..haha :D have a gudd laff too Before the marriage: He: Yes. At last. It was so hard to wait. She: Do you want me to leave? He: NO! Don't even think about it. She: Do you love me? He: Of course! She: Have you ever cheated on me? He: NO! Why you even asking? She: Will you kiss me? He: Yes! She: Will you hit me? He: No way! I'm not such kind of person! She: Can I trust you? Now after the marriage you can read it from bottom to the top !!!! another chain msg.lols Teacher : History is a very interesting subject. It tells youabout what had happened in the past. Student : Please teacher, I don't think I want to study history. Teacher : Why? Student : There is no future in it ............. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .Teacher : Ted, if your father has $10 and you ask him for $6,how much would your father still have? Ted : $10. Teacher : You don't ...
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hahahaha..i cant stop laffing seh.. actualy beside tis pic still gt a row of words I RATHER HOLD IT. haha :D tis is soo cute. a pic from a chain msg.:D there are LOTs more funny.funnier pictures.tho i reali wan evy1 to see it n had a gudd laugh. but sorrie im too lazy to do so.. =x hahas..anw at tamp library now. after peii my laO po qianying home..^^ whee..she kissed mi 2day :D so did i..haha.. yea.hueva qianying bf is dun be jealous im her LAOPO NIA ..haha anw ysd was SUPER FUN.. perhaps it will be de best day i had for all my CCA days..:D fers we went to road safety park. is damn cool.tho de kids are notty. ans tat PARTICULAR boi boiu hu called mi UNCLE!i rmber u!next tym i see u i shall call u either aunty or ah gal!!U SHALL SEE! budden from seng kang pri.. chances r low..=x. well de rest call mi cher.or aunty..=.=ll i duno which part look lyk ani of above so i keep repeating tat HELO!IM SEC2 NIA LEH.CHER WAT CHER LUH. den ofcox folo by a whisper of a voice tat no 1 can hear. call ...