hahahaha..i cant stop laffing seh..
actualy beside tis pic still gt a row of words
haha :D

tis is soo cute.
a pic from a chain msg.:D
there are LOTs more funny.funnier
pictures.tho i reali wan evy1 to see it
n had a gudd laugh.
but sorrie im too lazy to do so.. =x
hahas..anw at tamp library now.
after peii my laO po qianying home..^^
whee..she kissed mi 2day :D
so did i..haha..
yea.hueva qianying bf is dun be jealous
im her LAOPO NIA ..haha
anw ysd was SUPER FUN..
perhaps it will be de best day i had
for all my CCA days..:D
fers we went to road safety park.
is damn cool.tho de kids are notty.
ans tat PARTICULAR boi boiu hu called
mi UNCLE!i rmber u!next tym i see u i shall
call u either aunty or ah gal!!U SHALL SEE!
budden from seng kang pri..
chances r low..=x.
well de rest call mi cher.or aunty..=.=ll
i duno which part look lyk ani of above
so i keep repeating tat
den ofcox folo by a whisper of a voice tat no 1 can hear.
call mi chiobu.(LOLs.bu yao lian.n im sure hueva call mi tat is blind.)
y am i suan+ing myself.lols.nvm..
its fun.reali.den we came bacjk earlier than expected.
at 4pm we r back in sch again.den there is de inter unit competition
other schs com to our sch.n as we gort nthing to do..
we join de snrs as well as jnr to be station master.
jolene n eunice.NI MEN HAO LO!!
budden after all.its fun..ysd is COOL n FUN n SWEET too
haha..den 2day.went to sch for de dance.
walao.i go all de way from rss walk to chang cheng
n go up de chang cheng den i realsie de 2pid gate is closed!
im lyk wat the hell n i walk down n go to side gate
n once again im lyk wat the hell its closed too
so damn pissed feel lyk trashed de sch i made my
big big way to de main gate n go in.WTH.
its damn HOT at 9.30 luhh
den practise.its FUN.tho mi n qian ying were lagging all along
i lagged more.alys DC.haha'
its FUN too.my hands getting tried of typing words.
so yea.go friendster awhile