lol.blah blah blah.i wonder what will happen.well.unpredictable.hmm.the milktea is so sweet wonder is call sweet damn de sweet.this computer cannot log in maple i take my laptop n log in so nan de that gary help me train thought that he was just joking call evytime he say the thing very the bu ke kao lah.blah blah blah.eoy nearer more lah.i wan wash the floor loh.=.=i will wash untill its vry me.i will trash either.bleahx.sian.i am so glad that somone pei me all the time.muahaha.reli thanks alot woh.i know its very lame to ask you to stop de conversation at the 100th msg in a day.haha.sorry for wasting ur 100 msg woh.i now u very kind and u dunt mind write.muahaha.thankz.and thankz for be my listener to all my crappy crapping.i noe is hard for u to listen to a crapper crap so long about all the crappy things which got nothing to do wiv u.=.=lol.i am reali vry the gratef...
Showing posts from September, 2007
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lol.nowadays my post all start with the word lol.werid.stupid eoy coming.but i had reali no time think about the eoy.i still duno if i had made de rite chioce.or is it just a mistake in the first place that i come to live with my xiao yi.before this.even if i quarrel with my mum.i oso dunt care.y must i care.i dun love her at wat is there to care about.but now.all things reverse.from a house with freedom but no love change to a home with no freedom but choose either love or freedom.i think i would rather prefer freedom.i tought i would lead on a happy ever after life once i live with my xiao i find that its a vry childish thought.four years past.alot things had changed.well.i changed.yet she thought i didnt.i realy cannot accept a phone call from my xiao yi every 10min after school is over.i cannot accept i have to slp at nine and off my handphone at 8.if my mum off my if she took it away from me.i will start quarrel and fite back my dearest handphone.i...
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lol.happy went to see mr chua.i thought i will be dead.but i come back with not even a single hair missing.phew.i thought what.anw.urgh.duno whur to start lah.forget it then.sian loh.i was copying science notes for chapter 19 since half hour lyk damn long lah.68 slidesis that for a cute cute kid who is only 14?(ok.i noe its vry vry vry fake).anw.i was still at 30 plus now.urgh.not even half.omg.i mz see wrg liao.its 67th slide already rite?T.Tfine.if i am dreaming.den let me stay in the dream.dont wake me up.=.=okie.i am crapping dont care me. seiously sounds.looks.and watso eva.too am walk straight ok.i am not lame as in lame.not that lame but the another lame.u will noe which lame i mean if u are lame urself.i mean u r that lame not de other lame.if u dont lame and den u dont wan be lame.den dont be lame plz.unless u are lame then u will understand what i mean and which lame i am talking...
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lol.many thing happen.i dunt even want to say.anw.i also duno what to say.maybe after awhile.i will post what realy happened.but i think.before i had the chance to do it.the school will already told evyone of what i had done.and i will get expelled from dramatc.which no one ever think that will happen.not my mum.not my xiao yi.not even myself loh.forget it.i now can only chiong for my end of year exam.y.i also duno.sian.anw.perhaps.its not realy that bad at good.i finally can live with my xiao yi again after four years of waiting.ican realy imagine all the happy times from one to ten.i dunt realy want to think who is the one cause this had cares.i dont.aduts are would i know what they are thinking about is no way i will know.the school already know.but they didnt ask mi go GO today.i wonder if they are waiting untill the case close or maybe after my eoy. wateva.anw.after eoy.they are arranging me six months of...
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i am vry busy washing the floor evyday.sorry that no recent updates.anw i dunt think many people realy look at the posts well.i am looking towards a super super sucker vacuum cleaner to clean the floor as well as to make sure the floor is so clean as if u had use MR MUSCLE.. muahaha~~ok.its i am not.i happen to saw a very lame MATH qns today in the library with shermay.if u wan to know more information.please approach any of us or ask the sch librarian to help you. or you can contact dr boon at +65 999.u will get free trip to the singapore changi prison.with free meals and 'hotels' 10 people who call the number evyday stand a chance to play with the police dog?? yeah zhiyan i know you're calling now.
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lol.i am in sick.fever.and sore throat.den never go cca today.den miss my cca cip hrs.wash the hardly move.afternoon dragged by shermay to do her pw at tm there the kfc.den is lyk they 3 one talk.silence.n silence.nothing else but silence.den she buy cheese fries n water.and duno hu spilled it.maybe me.maybe shermay.maybe crystal.or maybe all of us.the water spilled all over anglican uniform is damn cold.den finaly shermay laptop cnt take it anymore.and it no battery.and off we go out.i wan buy a offer bag from op nxt week.its so today i still need go see doctor myself n get a i vnt buy this am too tired to write out anything else lover.i was actualy mapling even through i am sick but i move very slow then pq memeber buai song i ask rey help mi going play games suits me more.such as neopet.and shermay is sleping beside me now.wash the house loh.i also wan sleep.but i ...
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esther's post is so emo,i nearly cry loh...phew..lucky i didnt,anw,i love her post so much,its simple,yet nice..anw,she had gud english foundation is not fair,maybe i should kao lu to write chinese post?wiv a lot emo in it..but i think by that time,no 1,not a single soul will bother to read,plus i was too lazy to type chinese oso..bleahx...after all,her post is realy co0l like thur is a strong feeling from my heart,i suddenly felt that i am not the most ke lian derh ren in the world,she is worse than mii...although her mum divorced but didnt remarry like mine,although she was much much more pretty than mii,although she had a lot guys fancy her,she has more stress than mii,i had always believed that i am her best friend n ofcause we will be best frend forever,i just realise i didnt reali care much about her after primary four,our relationship had put on a fullstop,whereas i thought we are still best friend,we do quarrel,we do fight,but in the end,both of us will lo...
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LOL~~ most PATHETIC bdae i ever had. .=.=ll i was chi0nging hw the wh0l3 day,lets see wat i had don3 4 de day ~zh0u ji ~ jian ba0(2) ~ goeg brovhur3 ~ sci wrksht hmm...thats all i think.. well,its AL0T 4 mii to do finish in 1 day OK? som0r3 my mum dun even kn0w 2day is my bdae T.T haiizz..atleast i noe her bdae is 5th SEP l oh, y she cnt rmb3r mine.. 4gtit,its HER, wat can i espect??its n0t my xia0 i had a vry vry vry NORMAL day 2day... actually i saved all the msg that ppl sent mii 2 wish mii HAPPY BDAE ...xDDthank y0u all so much^^ my xia0 yii was de 1st one to wish mi happy bdae on 12am ^^ nxt second an0th3r msg cam3 fr0m shiha0...w3ll,i had a vry vry BAD FEEELING tat zd will starting CRAPPING a fter she saw this p0st,so i DEEPLY hope tat she wnt saw this...-.-ll i am HUAI REN, i am realy HUAI REN, i am realy reali HUAI REN.... my lunch is pringles (i cnt rmber wat flavour)T.T,dinn3r is cup no0dle ... FANTASTIC fo0d ,isn't it?anw, i am realy realy...
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LOL.. 2day gt the duno wat class KIWI say its abt science thing.. but den hor,its most lyk its slacking tym lah..w3ll,its abt sci somh0w,jz tat its USELESS ok? de mean time, mi n zixing were playing NEOPET,its SOOOOOOOOO FUN!~~~~~~~ i 1st tym found out h0w FUN neopet can be loh... hahas... DEN lu nch tym we go all de way down derh CHANG CHENG thur de 85 market to eat,dun0 y? zixing VOMITED at a sh0p thur, btw jiaying is thur oS0(released frm gg)..^^ L0L.. lucky she didnt fainted..phew.... btw,i LOVE de bear she GAVE mi soooooo much!!!!! its DAMN DAMN cut3 lah^^ THANKZ ZI XING ^^^^ erm..tats all abt it.. and 2mr i am getting OLDER.. T.T haiizzz,,,
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LOL~~~ 2day went to zhiyan's house to d0 derh DEAREST ACC project loh, so tired!!!wasted my 1 wh0l3 day on it leh... T.Thaiizz..we start fr0m 1 to 7 loh.. 6hrs,som0r3 i leave h0use at 12n0on , reach hom3 at 8pm the tired-,-ll LOL well actualy zhiyan's d0g is cut3^^ so cut333333......i LOVE it so much because it doesn't BARK..... hahas.... anw,finally don3 wiv de ACC damn idi0t thing..T.T tired tired,going mapl3 slack bb
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OMGOMGOMGOMG OMGOMGOMGOMG OMGOMGOMGOMG i dun0 how many OMG i going to say but it is reali OMG lah..i g3t a NEW PHONE from my mum's FRIEND as my bdae present^^... it is so UNBELIEVABLE lah, can som1 com3 n SLAP me?? i thinking i am dreaming lah... L0L,but its so hard to type msg, i keep PRESS wrg key n s3nt it.. T,T,damn it=.=ll its vry hard to change frm motorola to nokia then suddenly sony eric lah..
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LOL.. i just went to buy A cash and bot a shoe,glove,etc,etc, w3ll,lets com3 to de main point, i went to gatcha n i tio a BWG, as i duno de price,i sell it at 16mil, den ppl say i ti0 scam , w3ll,wateva lah ,bett3r den nthing , haha,,i am so happy tat i gain 16mil in a BLINK OF AN EYE ^^ yeah!my luck is s00 gud... going bac mapling,buaiis.. lubb mapl3, lubb myself.. lubb y0uu^^