LOL~~ most PATHETIC bdae i ever had..=.=ll i was chi0nging hw the wh0l3 day,lets see wat i had don3 4 de day ~zh0u ji ~jian ba0(2) ~goeg brovhur3 ~sci wrksht hmm...thats all i think.. well,its AL0T 4 mii to do finish in 1 day OK? som0r3 my mum dun even kn0w 2day is my bdae T.T haiizz..atleast i noe her bdae is 5th SEP loh, y she cnt rmb3r mine.. 4gtit,its HER,wat can i espect??its n0t my xia0 i had a
vry vry vry NORMAL day 2day... actually i saved all the msg that ppl sent mii 2 wish mii HAPPY BDAE...xDDthank y0u all so much^^ my xia0 yii was de 1st one to wish mi happy bdae on 12am^^ nxt second an0th3r msg cam3 fr0m shiha0...w3ll,i had a vry vry BAD FEEELING tat zd will starting CRAPPING after she saw this p0st,so i DEEPLY hope tat she wnt saw this...-.-ll i am HUAI REN, i am realy HUAI REN, i am realy reali HUAI REN.... my lunch is pringles (i cnt rmber wat flavour)T.T,dinn3r is cup no0dle... FANTASTIC fo0d,isn't it?anw, i am realy realy realy vry vry vry vry vry vry vry happy that ESTHER LEE QIAN HUI called mii 2day i thought she 4gt my bdae lia0,or even mii... so after she called mii, THE WHOLE DAY i was
thinking about all de things happened in de past 4yrs plus,fr0m de day i noe ESTHER in p4,p5,p6..till n0w sec1.... WONDERFUL memories.. BEST FREND EVER.... in de past,in de present, in de future^^ she had been peii w0 go through all de things~~ wheneva i think 0f h0w i n0e her,i will laugh lyk CRAPloh...haha....tat day is REALI REALI VRY VRY FUNNY^^since tat day,i evyday go her house loh, fr0m de minute sch OVER till abt 7pm in de nite..=)) sat n sun i was lyk go her house frm 1pm to 8pm..hahaxDD.. tat year is de HAPPIEST year eva^^....n0w old3r lia0..T.T,if i tio SENILE DEMENTIA, den cnt rmber ab0ut her,i wil vry SAD L0H... haiizzz,,zi xing say i need retire from my LOLYER job lia0...mii DUN WAN LOH!! i tot de PM LEE said tat now de year 4 retirement had yan chii untill 65??IZIT? hehe....y did i talk abt tis huh?? i tot i am supp0se to talk abt my BDAE?? weridddd~~~~~~~ LOL....... going mapl3 as usual... buaiisss~~

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