lol.nowadays my post all start with the word lol.werid.stupid eoy coming.but i had reali no time think about the eoy.i still duno if i had made de rite chioce.or is it just a mistake in the first place that i come to live with my xiao yi.before this.even if i quarrel with my mum.i oso dunt care.y must i care.i dun love her at wat is there to care about.but now.all things reverse.from a house with freedom but no love change to a home with no freedom but choose either love or freedom.i think i would rather prefer freedom.i tought i would lead on a happy ever after life once i live with my xiao i find that its a vry childish thought.four years past.alot things had changed.well.i changed.yet she thought i didnt.i realy cannot accept a phone call from my xiao yi every 10min after school is over.i cannot accept i have to slp at nine and off my handphone at 8.if my mum off my if she took it away from me.i will start quarrel and fite back my dearest in a part of my hp is 24/7 on.but what can i do.she is not my mum.but my xiao yi.if i quarrel for the hp.she will be very i rather be the one thats sad.obviously.i am use to de life that no one cares for me.well.actually i love that kind of life.=.=but now.before i say anything.i have to think five min first to make sure nothing will happen when i say out.maybe i shld go back and live with my mother.i prefer that kind of life.freedom.its much more than to be loved.but i know that since after the time that i decide to move out from the house and live woth my xiao yi changed and myu xiao yi will never let me go back to that kind of slacking life.i wonder if i shld regret for the chioce i had made.

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