lol.many thing happen.i dunt even want to say.anw.i also duno what to say.maybe after awhile.i will post what realy happened.but i think.before i had the chance to do it.the school will already told evyone of what i had done.and i will get expelled from dramatc.which no one ever think that will happen.not my mum.not my xiao yi.not even myself loh.forget it.i now can only chiong for my end of year exam.y.i also duno.sian.anw.perhaps.its not realy that bad at good.i finally can live with my xiao yi again after four years of waiting.ican realy imagine all the happy times from one to ten.i dunt realy want to think who is the one cause this had cares.i dont.aduts are would i know what they are thinking about is no way i will know.the school already know.but they didnt ask mi go GO today.i wonder if they are waiting untill the case close or maybe after my eoy. wateva.anw.after eoy.they are arranging me six months of counciling.wateva.i am not crazy ok.y must i go for 6 month GP course.werid.blah blah one cares.even i also dont care now.i just so called dont wanna get expell yet.bu if they are announcing to the school.i dunt realy see any reason to stay there any more stay there is realy call lame lameness will be enuf to sent me to jail.well.plz laugh.i wrote it to male myself laugh.but dun why i didnt.wateva.dunt care.i didnt run away from the stupid problem.although i dunt realy wanna face it if both dunt works.there is no much difference between face it or not.blah blah blah blah.eoy.wateva.expell.maple.msn.math.sci.goeg,what am i am just crapping.u know.when a perrson wanna write somthing but then nothing to you start to crap.u can simply ignore all this as i jus feel like type somthing in the ky board.werid.its not a only started two days ago.
Just the sudden urge of feel like blogging, about something that has been revolving me almost my whole life, As stated by the title, yeah, education . It's only after twelve years of schooling that I finally understood what exactly is education and why am I, why are we in it. It's strange that I din't question anyone why am I studying or what for I'm studying before this, it's just the norm. I mean like, everyone around me is studying therefore I am too. Simple as that. So recently I started reading on the topic "education", partially preparation for the upcoming CT1. Through countless essays I've learn that the two main functions of education is to develop manhood and develop manpower. It was then made known to me that the education system are ought to make us intellectual individuals,gain psychological maturity in terms of balance between ability to think rationality and ability to feel emotions,and last but not least, the emphasi...