Knock Knock

I recall seeing an ST article that 'every 6 out of 10 Singaporeans have been infected with Covid-19' start of the month and thinking that I somewhat belong to the 'minority' group that hasn't been infected almost 3 years almost the virus was first known to public. And here came Covid knocking on our door over the weekend. We don't know what or who is the source, perhaps it was when xb and I both fell sick last week (although ART/PCR tests then were negative), or when lnr came home feeling unwell on Thursday. What we know is that on Friday morning we were both tested positive. My symptoms were very mild - headache and a bit of runny nose but Lnr's having it a lot worse - he started off with body aches and nauseas to high fever with cough and sore throat on day 3 today. The viral load in me are probably a lot lighter as my ART turned negative on the 3rd day. We quarantined ourselves in the MBR since Friday and I moved over to the study room by myself after ...