Baby J.

So it's been 7 weeks since we welcomed the arrival of our latest family member - bb Jaelyn Seah.

The delivery day felt like an eternity away somehow. Us making our way to Mt A. hospital at 3+ am  with some doubt over what felt like regular contractions; putting on drips/epidural and waiting for active labour stage; gynea coming in to the deliver suite to get ready swiftly; followed by rounds of '1 - 2 - PUSH' with the assistance of 2 nurses. At last, we heard our baby's first cry and met her face to face after 9 months at 1:52pm on 13 Nov 2021. 

Plain as all these may sounds now, it was a really unique experience. Just think about it, pushing a new life out from your body through the birth canal/vagina? Holyyyy. But again everything happened so fast to really react to it. I use to ponder over my first reaction when we meet our bb, and I never had an answer. Turns out it was a very overwhelming moment. I was in all tears, of joy and relief, and mostly I was glad it's over cos by then I was really famished from not eating for 18 hours. 

Tbh the initial post delivery days weren't so great. First was the chills and weariness immediately after delivery, followed by pain from episiotomy for couple days. But we are really grateful for all the help and assistance we received from the nurses, the confinement nanny, and our new helper in the house. Things weren't as disastrous as it could totally have been because of them. Not forgetting Chua who shared with us every single detail on what to expect during delivery, on bringing over tons of baby and post partum stuffs over the past months, on buying over the most needed food for me from pregnancy to confinement. And Ali who, despite far from being a mother, come by so frequently to check on me, and showering us with so much gifts for all of us. Really just feel so blessed in life.

There's so much to type and the post could go on really long. But I probably have to end here for now because it's 9:3pm and  bb is asleep now, and yes, sleep is so very precious these days. G'd night.


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