A moment in time.

 I wonder why do my posts get less frequent with each year. Was it really a case of busy adulting? But how do I justify for all the time I spent idling. Or is idle a form of resting as I switch in and out from work daily. Why is it that as a teen then I had so much inner thoughts to be expressed in words daily? Where did all these self thought goes to now? Do I engage in much less self reflection these days, because time marches forward anyway. 

Unlike usual, I didn't have a new year resolution post this year. I simply told myself that I could probably just carry forward the 2020 resolutions and they would still largely apply. Well, on the night of cny eve now, I suppose it's still not too late to run through the past year yet.

Good things that I could recount that happened in 2020;

- Watched and enjoyed some good anime/animation/movies including demon slayer, inuyasha, haikyu,Farewell my concubine, the truman show, V for Vendetta, Casr away, Catch me if you can, Mob pyscho, Happy together,Full metal jacket, WW2 documentary, Arriety, Saving private ryan, Castle in the sky, nausicaa, 

- Continue to paint and doodle/bujo habitually 

- Incorporating yoga into daily routine, and bought our own bicycles to cycle around the island 

- Working from home since Apr 2020 arising from Covid pandemic 

- another grateful year spending every weekend with bao 

-  continue having the same friends in life and sharing our lives together 

- did not gain weight 

- general good health for everyone around me

- gained more confidence solo driving on the road 

other major events that happened in 2020;

- lost a precious friend forever on 28 Jul 2020 before I could make up to her. 

- got gifted a corgi from le brother who safely landed in Singapore on 29 Sep 2020.  

Having a new member/dog in the house might be the single greatest change since lnr and I got married. Pudding been with us for 3 months since he left the animal quarantine station at Sembawang in end Oct. There were a lot of roller coaster emotions evoked with his presence since then. Excited when he finally arrived, happy when he started showing some form of affection, nervous when we brought him home, worried when he barks excessively, irritated when he tug on leash during walks, panic when he bit an unleashed dog, stressed when he interacts with dogs, confused at at his timidness, relieved when he plays with selective dogs, happy when he listens to command,proud when he passed the basic obedience test. All in all, I do look forward to building better and closer relationship as time passes, and hopefully we could help him to assimilate better and he would become more comfortable/happier. 

I would like to go further about my emotional well being in the past year and resolution list for the year but I am way too sleepy now. Perhaps we have to leave to another day, hopefully soon. 

Although I have to say that it does feel good to be typing my thoughts out again. Till then.


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