In time of Covid-19

Circuit breaker day 12; work from home week 4.
It's been 5 months since the infectious disease made its entrance, leading to the ongoing worldwide pandemic situation. Here in Singapore, the infected cases is marching towards 6000 and will likely continue to rise. Various waves of measures was put in effective, from border controls to quarantine/stay home orders, and the most recently announced one month long 'circuit breaker' period to tackle the situation. In this month of April to early may, all non-essential services were closed, new rules on social distancing and wearing of mask in public space were put in place. It's honestly quite an unprecedented sight for Singapore, a country with a short history of 200 years.
Disease and illness are not new and they have plagued the humanity since the earliest days. In fact pandemics would more likely to occur as humans became more civilised with increase connectivity with more humans, animals and the nature. But at the same time, healthcare improvement and technology advancement have also brought about gradual reduction in the death rate in the recent history. For we are now more capable than ever to contain and mitigate the impact.
As part of the fortunate population, the current situation have not affect my livelihood negatively. My job is still relatively stable during this crisis (albeit I could be expecting some pay freeze/adjustment), we are able to telecommute for work in the comfort space of our home without other care taking responsibilities, Lnr and I are well to do enough to not have to worry about the slight surge in cost of necessity goods during when we make our usual rounds at the supermarkets. In fact, I have been almost enjoying my work from home days, for it allows me much more flexibility using time saved from commuting to be put into other activities. I managed to cook and exercise a lot more in the last few weeks, and being able to do these made me a whole load contented with current state of life.
Whilst I view the current circuit breaker period as a re-shuffle to improve my current state of life/habits, the daily new high records of new infected cases is still worrisome, if it will eventually overstretch the healthcare capacity in Singapore and would the taskforce be able to manage well. So much as I am enjoying the tranquillity of staying home and abstained (or rather restricted) from commercial activities, I still hope that the spread will be contained soon enough and for the world economy to slowly recover.
But for now, let's make the best time out of the circumstances.