
Hello may. Looks like we are approaching mid year very soon again. Time passed even faster when you started working isn't it? Coincidentally today marks my 7 months mark with LTA. This is pretty much it I guess? Work really doesn't leave much room to engage in anything else, so as much as possible, I  try to exercise the time off mindlessly so make time more worthwhile. Doing something is better than doing nothing, although a lot of time I find myself guilty as charged for doing nothing.

Lnr is away for 2 weeks for work at Denmark hence I got to live by myself for these two weeks, much as I thought I would do a lot of things alone, living life like how it might all otherwise been. Sometimes I wonder how life is gonna be if I were single still, that probably means a lot more me time and I will likely pour a big chunk of my salaries into different enrichment classes, travelling to new places alone, spending afternoons at cafe doing people-watching. Oh all these while I am just so intrigued with observing other humans, role playing their life secretly in my imaginations. I might just end up being a psychopath oh no opps.

But anyway in actual fact, I didn't do much while Lnr is away, except that I managed to run more than usual, and I hope to continue to do so even when Lnr is back. Though I'd prefer to spend quality time together over exercising all the time, but that should be no good excuse either. After many years, although I have come to better terms with my bod, I don't think I have reached the stage whereby I'm proud of myself yet. More so, I feel like I have been sluggish for the past 4 years during my entire university days and somewhere in time, I lost the determination and discipline I  used to stick strictly to prior to the uni days. And those few months are always something I look back on and felt proud of. Well at least it seems like a good start last week and I do hope that I will make myself proud, again.

First half of the year was pretty great, Lnr and I continued to uphold of record of zero-quarrel since the beginning of our togetherness and we shared many many great memories together, to me at least. Of which the happiest ones are weekdays when I come home to cook simple dinner for us, I will be busy running around the kitchen following online recipes step by step, hoping dinner will turn out tasty, home was a warmth place to return to with music blasting from our speaker and smell from the kitchen, with Lnr stepping into the house at 8ish, trying his best to return home earlier whenever I'm cooking, and we will sit together by our taobao table and chat over dinner, after which Lnr always offer to clear and wash the dishes without fail. I think these might be the best moments of all, the joy of anticipation and delight to see your love ones returning home to you. Sometimes I felt horrible when the food turns out uncooked or over seasoned, but Lnr never ever blames me and eat them anyway :') It's these moments that never ever made me regret marrying this old man I guess. May good things stays.

We also managed to catch a ballet and piano concern in the first half, which really excites me because I have finally come to the stage of life where I could afford such fine entertainments in life. In the initial phase I always felt that 100$ per ticket is really pricey and I could have done maybe much more with the same amount of money but by the time the concert ends, I felt like every single cent was well spent for the experience of it definitely beats 3 new piece of clothes in my wardrobe. There's lots enjoyment in these concerts and plays, while I enjoy the performance, a lot of time I also spent admiring and respecting the performers, for their sheer hardwork behind everything and eventually I felt more than glad that I came and supported them for their years of practice. After half a year being a money earner, I am still trying to find my personal guidelines on expenses and the fine line between enjoyment and being prudent. Guess it might take me a long time and many people probably never even figured it out in their lifetime. I do hope that I grow to live by my own standards and have a clearer view on things in life worth spending on. Although to be honest I'm not that much of an investor, I don't dream of making great high return investments, I just want to live comfortably while never end up unable to make ends meet. I really hope that there is no right or wrong on this cause if there is,  I'm likely not on the right side oh well.

On a much exiciting, my dear chua is going to give birth to her baby boy next week like omg how crazy is this, has it really been so long since we were students?! But some of these flashbacks during our secondary school days are still so clear in my mind omg this is crazy where has all the time gone to. I think I couldn't comprehend this very well till today even after watching her tummy growing bigger with each passing month but seriously omg. I am not ready to be god ma oh please I am still just a child myself omg?! I'd never want to grow up into an adult HAHAHAHA right at least not on the inside. I'd prefer to be a childish and irresponsible spoiled brat instead of being responsible for way too many things in life. Right. All these aside, I really hope everything goes smoothly next week and OMG I NEED TO GET READY TO WELCOME A NEW LIFE INTO MY LIFE OMG THIS IS REALLY CRAY CRAY AND NOW I TALK LIKE A SEC SCH KIDDO AGAIN HAHAHAHAHA OMG NERVOUS SHIT BALLS KTHXBYE.


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