
Showing posts from January, 2018

Two different life.

There was a blood moon tonight, I saw a small crowd of parents with their children on my way home looking up in the sky, I followed their gaze and only managed to catch a glimpse of a corner of the blood moon as there was a cloud passing by at that moment. Some brought fold-able chairs or DSLR down. While I continued to head home and typed this down.  I met up with a friend of mine tonight for dinner, we were from the same secondary school all the way till university, we have gotten pretty close during the two years of JC, and we are leading such different life now. She has became an insurance agent after graduation, she seems to be pretty hardworking working from 7/8 in the morning into midnight 7 days a week, her goal is to chiong and save up for retirement and to travel, single and a small family nucleus that's scattered across the world, she is freed from most commitments in life, she is probably earning much more than an average graduate on good months. While I took up a ...
It was a hot afternoon, I squeezed my way out of the crowded shuttle bus, made my way into the lecture theatre, passing through rows of unfamiliar faces before settling down for my class  on nature & society.  Somehow this scene has been ingrained in my mind lately, and I often found myself replaying that particular afternoon in my mind for no particular reason. I can no long remember what was the topic that day, or even what was my score for the module at the end of the day. In fact I could no longer remember my exact CAP when I graduated just barely half a year ago. And this is definitely not the only thing I have forgotten. I have lived through 8400 unique days thus far and I wonder how much do I remember about everything that have happened thus far. I remember watching big scale cny countdown show in China with my grandmother on the eve, I  remember my buttocks hitting the floor hard when my aunt taught me roller blade during autumn when the swimming pool drai...