
Finally, I heaved a long sigh of relief, and I am at peace.The long search and wait with the unknown future is over.

It's been five months since graduation and I have just signed my first Letter of appointment this afternoon with LTA as a Transport Planner. It definitely wasn't easy and I was no doubt really lucky to be taken at last. A glance at my excel sheet labelled - lifelines on my desktop, I have sent out a total of 154 resumes in the past 9 months, only 5 had gotten back, I made it to 3 interviews and failed the other two. There were better times that I spent hours drafting a satisfying cover letter, though only to receive nothing in return, times, there were low days that I questioned my capabilities and qualifications, there were worrisome days as Lnr and I bought and moved into our first home together as I wonder if we could support our increasing expenses, if I will ever be able to land on something to lift off the burden off lnr's shoulder by a bit. I panicked and gave up multiple times during this period, but I picked myself up over and again too after each self-defeat. It's disheartening and annoying but it was a time that I had to kept telling myself that I need to buck up and fight for it, for nobody's gonna offer me a job out of sympathy out there. 

Landing on this particular position is more of a fat dream came true to me because the nature of the position is related to my course of study. I am more grateful than anything now that I could tell people I studied geography without feeling the guilt that I am in an entirely non-related industry. Which very often reinforce general public's perception that 'geography ah? Oh you gonna be teacher huh?'. During the job hunt I applied to numerous marketing position while trying to leverage on my two working experience in the industry despite knowing very well that it was never my area of interest. I was upset, I was upset with both having to apply to those marketing positions and that above all, none of the organisation has called me up ever. I  don't think Transport planner is gonna be any easier and the actual work may deviates a lot from my expectation but I am determined to do it well to the best I could still. 

Let's not dwell in the past anymore. Alas, my date of commence will be on 23rd October and that leaves me with almost 4 more weeks of hobo life ahead. Though this time my freedom comes with a deadline. I suppose that I should jolly well make damn good use of this last month of carefree life. :') 

Still, excited much. At least for the beginning phase. 


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