Plane Ride

'It's all about context, it's always about context.' This has been coming up to me a lot lately as I have been hooked by the Newsroom drama series the past few days.

Two movies and three episode of Newsrooms and four toilet breaks later, I'm another ten hours away from New York, after departing from HongKong five hours ago. This is a holy mother long ride, at least for me. And it seems like we are about to pass the International Date Line soon, somewhere between Emperor Seamounts and Chinook Through, places I have unheard of, but again, there are many things that I'm oblivious to every day. Learning is a lifelong journey as they say. Isn't the IDL an interesting subject to think about? Like an invisible, socially constructed 'line'? That decides when do you wake up, go to work or announce its dinner time everyday. That you can actually 'time travel' through it, living the same day same hour again at the other side of Earth. Science is amazing, I wished I appreciated Physics much better when I was in JC. Oh here it comes, all these 'I wish I had…when I was younger'. I hope I don't go to someone younger and tell them how to live their lives or they would regret kinda lectures, I never liked those talks when I was younger. I think I'm a believer that humans learn best through experiences of their own, you have to let them make their choice, walk the same path, fall at the same pit you did, before they learn the lessons and remembers them. Or maybe this is just my own theory, maybe others ain't stubborn potato like how I was one myself. 

Right, my back is starting to ache and my lips are cracking up, where's the lip balm when I need it? Hope it will go back being tender again after some kisses when I get back~ Lately I find myself bringing up the topic on kids a lot with Lnr, with most of it me chanting and proposing a new reason a day to him that why-I-am-not-keen-on-having-one. Although we had kind of consciously agreed upon (or so I hope, or maybe Lnr is just being silent about it) of not having one in the upcoming two years. But I still feel very uneasy about it, I can't really explain myself very well on this matter, I can write down a long list of reasons of not wanting to have one, and I don’t know how much of them are excuses to cover myself up. Maybe deep down I'm just a selfish 90s kid who never want to shoulder on this heavy, lifelong responsibility, or maybe I am still young to think about this right now and where I am, fresh graduate and unemployed. Maybe I should give myself and Lnr a break on this because nobody is forcing me into having one after all. Yeah I totally should be more cool about this.


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