Hola moolah!

Yay hello blogger! I'm in a mood for a short post tonight after Pole dance. ( To which I have yet to share much on this I guess despite been learning it since late 2014, always felt that I'm not good enough to speak about my experience yet cause it felt like I didn't achieve much, so another time maybe when I feel more confident to share a video or two. )

Anyway gonna do a self reflection on money and spending tonight, the topic sparked off as I was on the train back with a pole dance friend and she was mentioning that she pays $160 for her gym membership monthly and I thought of how am I going to manage my finance when I start to work officially in a year's time. Not too early to start planning isn't it? 

Just a brief rewind back in time I was never disciplined when it comes to money matters. I was never able to save up almost all my life, even till today. During the primary school days I secretly scooped out all the coins my mum has been putting into the piggy bank casually and don't ask me where the money gone to, oh well, I guess I generally ate a lot ( thus explain my overweight years ) and also I'm a crazy fan of useless stuffs, they never fail to capture my attention, & my money of cause. I remember having to borrow money from friends almost all the time because I was getting allowance weekly and I always ran out of them mid week or some sort. I guess I have been receiving a reasonable amount of allowance but well, just can't eat / buy enough. Oh and now that I try to recall I spent huge sums of allowance on clothes in Secondary school, trying to into into the tiny Domokun /elmo shirts, oh and let's not get into the topic of dressing styles. Hahahaha I can't bear to be reminded so much of my hilarious teenage memories. But I definitely had my fair share of joy and tears those years.  

Moving onto JC I finally bid goodbye to my loaning life since I started giving tuition and getting quite decently at $600 a month, though I still didn't begin a good saving habit then, to be fair I tried but I spent a bulk on my first Dslr in J2 and the next big purchase on Macbook pro a year later before coming into Nus. Well back to present, I am always amazed when talking about savings with some friends ( read: Ginny) who managed to save an impressive sum of money, we are talking about paying school fees, exchange to Europe and all her quarterly travel plans herself here like seriously? While I am here barely pocketing much at the end of every month. 

Over the years I tried to make log books to figure out where all the money gone to mysteriously but it never lasted, like many things in life Opps Hahahaha I had such a poor attention span as I have recently been mentioning to Seahbi. And I definitely hope that I will be more organised and informed on my own expenditure chart especially that I will be working soon and likely to run a family with Seahbi ( Oh yeah speaking of this, I really wish to start blogging about all the big plans we been discussing over the months, though it's just been short ten months wootz. ) I guess I haven't form my own philosophy on spending, where should I lie in the continuum of being a thrifty Asian to the Big spender Westerner? What are my priorities in life and what's worth paying for? As much as I caution myself to not fall into the branding/marketing trap but sometimes I still find myself get carried away with it. Sometimes I get confused if I'm favouring certain things genuinely for their designs or the branding behind it or perhaps both.  

Kekeke guess I am just like any others, a normal person getting caught in between many things in life. Such is the imperfect self that I'm still learning to love and improve myself everyday. :') Often than not I can't stop being amaze at human beings, we are such interesting creatures and I can spend my whole life studying myself. To more question for myself as I grow all my life. :)      

And will you love me as always, despite all the imperfections for I am only human 


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