Hello Junting,

Yay reflection time of the month again. 

It has been a fruitful month, from the initial struggle to getting the hang of things in the organization, most of the time people commented that I must been given a great opportunity to learn a lot given that the Marketing exec left the organization on my second day of internship and I was left floating around with no mentor for a month before the new replacement came in on Thursday. Fair enough that I was given the freedom to come up with my own marketing campaign creatives, deciding the marketing mechanisms and the set up of the event booth, together with some soft skills mostly on liaising with different parties to make sure things piece up together nicely at the end of the day, or like what Jw always does,  tying loose ends.  

A month into marketing, I guess I don't detest the nature of a marketing career but I definitely wish that it's for a better cause personally, something that I believe in instead of promoting a club membership. Guess that opened up new options for myself, or rather back to the square one, doing marketing for social enterprises or wedding companies. Though my priorities is still on URA/HDB, but Ohwell, seems like it ain't gonna be easy. Or maybe I can consider SDN wootz. Am I still living in my 18 yo bubble that the idea of wedding/couple/marriage/dating reminds a happy industry to be involved in~ 

Speaking of marriage, I guess it's something I need to think over carefully for myself as well. Oh woah, has life come to this stage already? Most of the time when I let people know of my idea of settling down in near future their initial reaction would always be 'are you sure?', which I guess it's a perfectly understandable reaction since given the situation I might have said the same to others. And with that question raised I will often ask myself what made me so sure of it as well. Often I find it a little hard to put into words, affections and feelings are all very abstract after all, it is just kind of rare and fortunate at the same time to be able to meet someone that understands you well, having similar opinions at things, being supportive and caring all the time, makes you feel safe and comfortable, like what I have always mentioned to Jw and others, it felt like I will be in good hands. And perhaps that is why I am so sure of this today, that I felt certain things will become a constant in life, and I don't have to constant worry about it. Perhaps marriage is like a religion on its own, that you need to have faith and believe that it will work, while putting in effort to make it work at the same time. 

And with that I have also came to the realization recently that we don't have to take advices wholly from anyone, as much as they meant damn well for you. Reality is that they were never in your shoe, and there are many variable factors surrounding us that we might never be able to solve the same issue the exact same way. There was a period months back I got very panicked when a very close friend of mine started questioning me on concrete plans and breakdowns of everything and the list of things I should be well prepared for before taking things on to the next level, and all of those lists she mentioned I realized that I have not done any, and I got panicky and I tried to follow the advices and things felt so tensed up at the end of the day, it was then I realized that I don't necessary have to follow all the advices offered. Everyone behaves and functions in their own ways, and if things are working out fine at status quo, there isn't a need to switch it to something that causes distress. Every relationship is unique at the end of the day and the only way to really solve anything between the couple is, what I believe, is to have open conversation with each other instead of seeking tons of advices and hoping they will work out. 

Pretty glad that it happened to make me realise the importance of not following anything blindly, so to speak, and it's kind of practically in many aspects in life I guess. The way we study, the way we work, the way we handle relationships with different people in different situations. We have to learn the right way to make things work ourselves. Though ofcause that's not to  be completely oblivious of others. Oh here we come again, striking the balance in life in everything we do, Oh taoism you are omnipresent aren't you?  


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