Do you realize that when you marry your Prince or Princess charming, you inherited the king, the queen, and the whole court?

And that can be really tricky. The thought of marriage being the joint of two entire families gives me the most paranoid feeling ever. And I guess in-laws do play a significant role in how the marriage goes. In that case all I foresee is a continual drain and irritation in time to come looking at the rate of things are going at now. If I don't calm down and think of more sensible ways in dealing with it, it's probably gonna be disastrous. While the very first thought that come to my mind is then to not get married at all and get entangled in all these problems, that might deem as avoidance and a coward act. Guess I need to learn to face the fear and think of how to go about doing it instead of avoiding, to be fair to whom I truly adores. Oh well, and that's probably the toughest issue I had to face in life thus far. Oh junting welcome to adulthood. In addition, I wonder to what extent a marriage is created as the product of the marriage they observed growing up. If it's true to a large extent which I highly believe so but yet hoping I won't follow the same path, I have some huge issues here. What if I subconsciously turn out to be someone I never expected myself to be. 

Dear mom, 
It has always been a mystery. Why do you have to impose everything onto me. Growing up in an Asian traditional family is full of self-contradiction isn't it? While it's deemed necessary to respect the parents, but sometimes you simply disagree to their viewpoint. And by countering their arguments, it seems that you are some unfilial brat. Many claims that the youths today are selfish individuals that spare no concerns about the parents. but how about the other way round, have you spare any thought for us while insisting that all your words are the damn right laws to live by. 


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