At the end of the day I think all can be summed by different perspectives and subjectivities. What constitutes 'cheating' is a huge grey area, while physical cheating was out of the picture, emotional cheating may lie on the blurred boundaries, while I did not go to the extent of confiding in the person, sharing an emotional closeness that would normally be reserved for the partner, I did however lied about the dinner, which as much as you want to know, I do too, sometimes question myself what was my motive ultimately for that night. 

I think the past two months has been really hard for you. And you have always asked why did I not handle it better, why did I cause you so much pain. Yes, I did, I caused you pain because I have betrayed the trust you put into our relationship, the expectations you had in me and walked away from it, but all break ups are heart-breaking no matter what isn't it.  I do not know how else I could have done to make things better. I have seen friends around me physically and emotionally cheating, they broke up with their partner without the other party knowing, could this be better then. I have made the dinner known to you because I thought that's the least I could do, I'm not sure now. 

Put all these aside, what happened cannot be undone. To regain any kind of justice in a relationship simply isn't possible and does not exist. Relationships are not based on logic, it's largely shaped by our emotions and it's constantly changing. Yes loyalty is a choice that we make everyday, but loyalty also builds on having a shared vision for the future together.  

I don't think I will dwell into this matter again. What needs to be said and done are done.  


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