Three school weeks had passed and I finally had time, or rather decide to pen down some happenings and thoughts for the past three weeks. Everything feels so packed and my day to day is always filled up, which I was a little upset over the fact that I exercised lesser now when I always swore to make keeping fit a lifestyle, well guess there isn't enough discipline and determination. But I shall push myself for it constantly keke. Weeks are filled with school, work and meeting of folks. Although school only takes up 2 days a week but it still feels like much of time is being sucked away. Started travelling down from Sengkang every school day and so far I'm never on time for any single lessons. Year 3 Sem 1 is a little different as two of my real good friends in life are leaving for Beijing and Italy, but again I believe the next half a year or a year will pass by just as fast. :)

Stayed over at Gin's house the night before she flew and also it was my first trip to cck, felt like some wild adventure for me getting lost in the west myself hehe. As I have always mention to people I really adores Gin for her independency and efficiency at times, despite being a huge Otaku ( new term learnt, someone that's obsessed with Anime) she always manage to complete her work with a A grade just the night before submission, or studying one week before exam but come back with a 4.0 CAP. As well as saving up 20k for SEP through tuitions and stuffs, my second role model found in life thus far. Hahaha. And also I love the fact that through our 'un-avoidable' close contacts through two years of hall, she can always get me stuffs that I adore the most and desperate in having occasionally. Including the Nanoblocks and Shinchan she got for my last birthday, to a range of Gudetama accessories from her recent Japan trip, wootz! Felt like she almost know everything that makes my heart beats fast :D 


As well as the Kobe pudding that went all the way from Japan down to my stomach tehehe, so happy to have tasted it finally, after watching how Shinchan and Maruko chan always have it for their dessert and it tastes just as delicious as it looks :')


Managed to attend a short while to Jon's 21st birthday party and helped out a little with the preparation since I was really early. Jon has been one of the very few guy friends I have in life that I'm pretty thankful for, a very easy going and cheerful guy I met back then in VJ. Although we have been going onto separate paths since graduation, it's always good to catch up with someone who sincerely listens when you talk to them. May the following year be a blast for both you and me ~ :D 

And coming to the highlight of my last week! My Octopus adventure times with Ali as a pre-celebration of my birthday before she flies next time, it was always with her that I laughed so bad and so loudly and feel so happy like a secondary school kid all over again. And I will always remember our eternally funny day while celebrating my 18th birthday at Marina barrage 4 year ago when my Humpty Dumpty alibaba had a great fall HAHAHA. Hi Ali here is a special throw back photo to 4 years ago when you fell. :') 

The day was going all well we had our picnic mat ( sponsored by Tan) set up, camera ready and me dancing happily with Mr Octopus. Ali prepared the meals including poached salmon, weird pasta that look like chicken food, salty cheese and cheese (??) bread and not forgetting to feature my - cinnamon rolls! Yay I was so mesmerised by her cinnamon rolls the last time she baked during VJ days and I fell for it all over again wootz ~ 

Soon enough our Octopus was high up in the sky like a happy Octopus soaring in the oceanic sky~

And as we watch it flew higher and further it occurred to us that the wind is too strong and the tension is too much so us to get it back, so it drift further and further away from us. The smartie pants me thought of releasing the string so that it will fell from the sky on it own. Which in fact it did, but a little too much, we watched it sink into the river right infront of own eyes helplessly and it reunite with its home ground by nature. :'( There was hope initially, we almost managed to pull it back with our Tug-of-war spirit with the river until the strings got tangled in multiple knots and we lost all our cool. 

We gave up after a hopeless struggle of what felt like an hour before giving in to fate. But as the saying goes: 天无绝人之路. With my undying spirit in rescuing our octopus we decide to give it one last shot after two hours. And this time, we miraculously managed to pulled it up further upon realizing there are actually one/two really kind foreign workers helping us to pull from the water, which our view were blocked so we never figured how they actually did it. What's for sure that our Octopus was eventually saved yay! 

And soon after we brought it to the same toilet where Ali washed her muddy clothes 4 years ago, only this time to bathe our octopus. It was such a happy reunion and not long after we are back in action to fly our octopus again hehehe. 

Our night ended as the sky darkens and we lie under the sky without stars but million of lights form the CBD, while ali exclaimed how fortunate and safe and pleasant it is in Singapore and that she will definitely miss all these when she goes away. But again I'm sure that you will experience a different piece of the sky being else where. :) So happy for you that after 21 years of being very sheltered/ controlled under your parents' care, you are now about to embarking on a year long journey into 大江南北 all by yourself. It's gonna be so exciting full of unknowns and I wish that the following year will be yet any splendid memories you will have in life, maybe dating a China man wootz :D

Last but not least not forgetting to feature a little of Ah tan before I end of my relatively lengthy post. Thankful for Ahtan's rich friend who makes a habit to go 1Alt every year for his birthday,  I managed to get up to 1Altitude rooftop bar after coming across it for a million time virtually on Google. The view was magnificent, hehe 有种俯视众生,唯我独尊的感觉~ Felt so fortunate that I'm all alive and able to witness something so beautiful ~  :')  Okay enough talks, off to do abs and legs, the gold lies in never stop believing that I will achieve my dream body someday~ 


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