
Showing posts from August, 2015


Three school weeks had passed and I finally had time, or rather decide to pen down some happenings and thoughts for the past three weeks. Everything feels so packed and my day to day is always filled up, which I was a little upset over the fact that I exercised lesser now when I always swore to make keeping fit a lifestyle, well guess there isn't enough discipline and determination. But I shall push myself for it constantly keke. Weeks are filled with school, work and meeting of folks. Although school only takes up 2 days a week but it still feels like much of time is being sucked away. Started travelling down from Sengkang every school day and so far I'm never on time for any single lessons. Year 3 Sem 1 is a little different as two of my real good friends in life are leaving for Beijing and Italy, but again I believe the next half a year or a year will pass by just as fast. :) Stayed over at Gin's house the night before she flew and also it was my first trip to c...

人-tional Day.

People mountain people sea - the perfect description for the crowd over the Jubilee weekend. Despite a significant proportion of the nation has probably went on a short getaway overseas, I'm truly impressed by the patriotic/ follow-the-crowd spirit by those who stayed. No doubt the vast budget put into SG50 was quite worthwhile, and now the media can make another hit about the 'unity' and 'bond' amongst Singaporeans over the nation.   To fully facilitate my very own long weekend, okay not really considering I was on holiday the past three month, decided to value self over money and work two out of four days. Though frankly I don't think Obar will be any crowded over the weekend, there are better place to go to for obvious reasons.  Spent some time with le mum on Friday, caught Mission Impossible on the big screen. Had some Dimsum at Crystal jade with some disgusting National day special XLB - namely chilli crab and chicken rice flavor. Feel like I...