Seletar Farmway
On a bright Sunday afternoon, with all my three tuitions postponed for one reason or another, Tan and me embarked on our explorers' journey to Seletar farms, which is less than 3km away from my house. :'D Despite having a collection of farms, the more worth going ones are probably just the animal resort and Sea view aquarium , and maybe any nurseries if you are interested in plants. Although located in close proximities, farms hopping was made much easier with the availability of a car. :')
Stopped by at the highlight of our day - Animal resort first, a kampong alike place with a decent number of farm animals and free entry for all. Not very hygienic as most harmless animals are left roaming around with shits on the ground, greeted by strong smell of faeces at some areas in the resort, but generally felt great to be there~
Food for feeding are sold conveniently at 3 packets for @ $2, pretty worth it despite it's just white bread and typical '2-legged animals' food. Did not feel like a disney princess being near to these animals but still, happy to be surrounded by them while hoping they don't attack me suddenly internally. :")
Southern Cassowary emo-ing at a corner, 3rd tallest bird after Emu and ostrich.
Marabou Strok, very aggressive angry looking bird with huge air sacs, feeding is not allowed.
Mama bunny and her four rat-looking new borns if you can spot them :'D
A spot the difference photo between our interactions with the lonely horse at the farm who had a lot of flies around it. ): Generally I was quite contented with the place but felt like nobody takes very good care of them, like some wild child roaming around in their dirty feather hmph, and also I wonder how the place sustain their livelihood from the $2 earnings from animal foods. Not much visitors at the place except for some parents with their young children, which again is quite delightful to see these curious kid interacting with animals keke. :)
Next stop we hopped to a random nursery at the corner of a dead end road which Mediacorp so happen to be filming at. Pretty much the same as any normal nursery you will see, met a very friendly owner / uncle there who taught me a little about plants. Brought home a small pot of plant for my DIY aquarium for $3.50 & a small orchid flower in coconut shell for $8. :)
Lastly we went to a big aquarium shop near the entrance of the countryside farms, you can find a wide range of aquarium related products and fishes here. Tempts me to rebuild my fish tank career ever since all my Beta fish, Gold fish and 3 tiger barbs died in Sheares :')
Went back to Tan's house after our exploration to finish up with our masterpiece with materials I've gotten from Taobao earlier on. :') Terrarium could have been better but yeah at least it's quite presentable. It's time to bring in more greenery and lifeforms into my new house. Wootz and may I have a small balcony of my own when I get my own flat eventually, grow some Sunflowers in the house is a must :D

L: Orchid yet to bloom. R: Diy Terrarium