
Showing posts from October, 2014


And there goes October, as I finally lay my fingers back onto the keyboard after almost a month. In this month, very much accounted to my module, I grew yet another understanding of the migrant workers in Singapore. Theories aside, as much as I could comprehend the rationale behind the state to impose laws and regulations that view the migrant workers as a 'transient workforce' in Singapore, I can't help but to feel sense of sympathy towards them, how that the mindset of 'others' is instilled in the locals' mind, viewing them as dangerous beings and regular control is reinforced. The kind of unfair treatment often disgusts me, for if you are local or Caucasians, and you sit along the side of the HDB blocks nobody will blinks an eye, but once being identified as a migrant worker, the police would come up to chase you away. While the state advocates equality, meritocracy and racial harmony, I certainly do not see such tolerance within the people. And I wonder whe...


暮然回首,总以为早已被遗忘,又恍然间发觉原来还有人记得自己,顿时一股暖意涌上心头,窃喜。最近总是莫名的怀念以前,怀念早已远去的,十年前的自己。总是忍不住费尽心思的想找回一丝丝能带给自己过去的线索,开始寻找久违的友人,开始聆听十年前的老歌,试着重温当时的心境。 虽然一切早已物是人非,但看到大家都还在四处写着自己的人生,心坎上还是感到一丝欣慰,身边别过的人都确确实实的存在过。 自己一年一年的变化,成长,蜕变。周遭的生活一直从未间断的变好,从十年前住在小小的储藏室,到今天属于我们自己的屋子,我深刻的知道一切都是勤劳换来的成果。很少去羡慕别人,因为总觉得自己该有的,都有;而没有的,想要的,都可以靠自己的双手去争取。很怀念两年的自己,为了自己的目标毫不怠慢的激励自己,到也激发出一股自身前所未有的巨大力量。很希望自己的人生可以一直那样走下去,做不到面面俱到但也算对得起自己。 很庆幸自己在大学没有枉费人生,虽然成绩平平,有时甚至低得让人沮丧,但自己确确实实学到了很多知识,为人处事,好好的重新认识这个世界。不论这个社会她是多么的黑暗,多么的残酷,多么的现实,但总会有一群人,为他们所坚定不移的信念而奋斗着。而我想成为这样的一个人:我依旧希望可以用自己渺小的力量去帮助别人,帮助那些社会底层,手无寸铁的人们。 人的一生变幻莫测,没有人能预测下一秒会发生的事。而在我开来,面对人生的最佳方式就是活在当下。命运,就任由她操纵,但自己总要活出精彩,做最好的自己。希望我在踏入二十一岁后送给自己的洗礼是从今以后,自己可以精彩的活着~