Malaysia; 6 days.

Anyway back to the crust. It took me sometime to organise my thoughts about my Malaysia trip with my xiaoyi and her family. Since honestly I didn't enjoy it as much because of the bad temper my aunt had throughout the trip, blaming everyone for anything that went against her will as if the world owes her a living. I know well that I shouldn't be criticising anyone, leave alone someone of my senior, basic courtesy. However I don't remember her temper being this horrible in the first 9 years we spent together back then, I have always looked up to her since young for she answered all my 'why' questions, she was knowledgable and patient with me, she has taught me well with all the right values she tried to inculcate on me over the years. But during the trip, I saw so little of those that I start to doubt how much do I actually know about her. Halfway through the trip, I got angst with how she scolded her husband's relatives because we missed the bus to get to the waterfall, which to me wasn't any of their fault since they have not go to the place neither, and it was already very nice of them to take leave for us just so to drive us around the town. I always believe in appreciating people and giving thank when others are kind to us since nobody owns us anything in life. When people are kind, we reciprocate. Simple as that. Hence being really angry I thought of telling her if I could come back Singapore by myself because I can't stand how she throws tantrum around, but after much consideration I guess it was a bad idea because she would first get upset that I suggested that and might ended up making everyone coming back to Singapore together for the sake of my safety in not letting me travel alone. Thankfully the matter was put off after I decide to talk to her about the issue, about how I feel that what she did was wrong and it's unreasonable of her to blame others. The conversation went well and it was then I felt like things had changed, I'm no longer the little kid that goes after her everyday playing around, I'm now an adult that can sit side by side with her and carry out a conversation, one that criticise her actions. I never thought that I was allowed to do that as a niece, it felt irrespectful to pick faults of someone of my senior. Then I figured that no matter who is it with, people interactions need communication to clear the air up, to solve misunderstanding, to resolve conflicts. Communication is important not only in relationship, but also with family and friends. Even though we spend almost all our life with our families, we thought we know them inside out already, but we have all never been so wrong. The lack of proficiency in human expressions requires communications, better communications to better understand each other. We often misinterpret people's actions and make assumptions.
Oh man, here I am back sounding like a sociologist. It's interesting to learn about human behaviours, but I know I'm not keen in doing further research into it. Keke. New semester is starting in a week's time, if it weren't for soccer Ibg today I wouldn't know that we are allowed to move back into hall already. Knowing that I'm staying right beside the pantry and toilet wasn't something pleasing but ohwell, no 3 hours spend on travelling everyday is a good enough compensation for that. This semester is going to be different than the last two, unlike a freshie that doesn't know shit, I figured more or less what kind of school life I'm going after. Being the soccer captain without much experience or even knowing the basic rules is going to be tough but, life is about taking up challenges and overcoming it. Hall opens up the door to new opportunities but I have to walk right into it to experience. I'm quite excited for school to begin to be honest, the mods that I bidded looks interesting too ( though this statement is likely to change completely one month into school.) but in generally I'm really anticipating on what's lying ahead of me. Even though my cap stayed low at 3.38 last semester I'm still pretty optimistic in pulling it above 3.6 this sem. Leggo Juntinggg :D it's time to learn from all the mistakes you made the past year and make Year 2 in Nus a great one, the best is yet to be. Wootz. :D And on a sidenote I'm eggcited for wildwildwet and films at the fort next week too. I like the idea of Aug, teehee.