Year 20.

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day.” ― Edith Lovejoy Pierce

In two day's time I'm writing yet another 365 pages book. And the thing about setting goals never gets old. It sorts of helps me to discover what I would like to see happening this year, like an affirmation that I'm in faith of living a fulfilling life the year to come. Though I agreed with 940 that I could never remember what resolutions I made last year, but teeheh thankfully here's where the blog archieve come in handy......

Okay now scrap that, I realized that I did not have a resolution post last year.  Alas, it's been a terrific year in general. Though as I were living the days it seemed mandatory, but thinking back they pieced up a howling picture of 2013. With the first six months doing an internship at MSF, from feeling traumatised to comfortable, met great people, got a scope of working life in a ministry. Pre-uni orientations kicked start from June lasting for almost two months, attended four crazily fun camps that severely deprived me of sleep every night, while heedlessly gained back the weights I took months to shake off. But nah, camps were still awesome. Academic matters sets in from Aug and lasted for four months, and then the 20th year of me living came to an end with a great getaway.

Thankfully no one left me this year, at least not those few that matters. At times I wish I have a lot of money because there're so many things I would buy for them if I could. Maybe that's what money for, to spent it only when it makes someone happy. Be it ourself or someone we love dearly. No one laughs at the cash itself, they smile when the money is exchanged for something they longed for. Aww everybodeh please wait for your Junting jiejie to be a rich tycoon, though I haven't figured out how yet Hahahah. And while I'm not one yet, I'm grateful that y'all are always there for me, asking nothing for return, spending our most precious youth days together. :')

And let's not forget about the romantic love. Though romance seems such a foreign word to slip off from our mouth. People changes, everyone of us. When we love a person for the first time, we were ignorant we want to give the person what we think are the best for them, we were hurt and we were lost, we had expectations and disappointments, we broke apart thinking we will never love someone else ever again but yet we did. But as time goes by as we changes lovers we grew, we grew to be selfish to be protective but we also grew to know how to make live with others; more tolerance, more communication more compromising each other. And we realize fairy tales are fictional hollywood movies are false fantasies. And I thought to myself that the kind of lover I became today is pathetic, sometimes I felt guilty of not giving my all. Once bitten twice shy. We humans are all selfish creatures, or rather we become that as we grew, and the society shapes us. But we are the society.

Oh man, why did I ended up with such a pessimistic phara above meow. ): Hmph one should just love somebody and that somebody better damn well loves him/her back and they just spend their life together, which again, is rare in today's open society. Okay I need to stop this. Move on move on move on. Okay the world is still great and I'm still happy go lucky everyday. Go out to date and love and go all out the rest of you, hahahaha. That's where the fun lies in if not life would be really dull. :D This is so not practising what I preach hahaha damn.

Shucks. Last chunk of my post. I foresee 2014 being really awesome with me studying harder, spreading more love and get fitter. That's all I guess. :D I'm turning 21 Yay. Be jelly you lil girls who only reach 20 in the coming year. Hahahahahahahah. Eh oya, my CAP, okay here's the thing, you should either get a good CAP or you enjoyed what you learnt, then the days aren't wasted and I consider myself to fall into the later. Though ideally speaking our CAP should be of decent grades too. Okay I will release my potential then! The potentials that has never been discovered the past 20 years. Hahahaha :') Alright here's the thing, I'm neither smart or stupid. So I think by the society's standard, I should be able to be swinging around the average, and that's it to me, a second lower honors, at least. Because honestly speaking I don't know what to do if I were to leave school in three years, so I would rather continue to be a nus parasite until I  got too old and drops off from it.


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