
Showing posts from October, 2013

These lil things,

If you could travel back in time, what would you do?... Where is the place you left the fondest memories for in life; When is the best times of your life that you want to relive over again; Who did you lost in life that you wish you could go back and change everything; After watching About time with Alibaba earlier on, and also few other time travelling themed movies recently. I gave some thoughts on these questions, well just for a quick while because, it's probably one of the most useless things to do, since unfortunately I don't possess any special ability like that.   The main character, Tim, constantly travelled back in time to amend his mistakes in life, to make things turn out as perfect as possible, to grant people's wishes, to make things happen. Apart from being envious of his ability of cause, I thought that leading such a life would be pretty tiring. To relive a moment over again until it meets perfection. What's the point then? Our lives aren...

Note to self.

Move out of Sheares in year two. It's a nice and homely place to be in but, I longed for more freedom. Going around the city, travelling. In the meanwhile, let me enjoy my remaining days here. :)
Yeah yeah it's the time of the month again, time to pen down some thoughts. :) Two months into schooling, I've finally get a hold of most things like, what lessons do I have on which days of the week, what's the timing for different ccas, how to print notes w/o wasting up to an hour in the library, what's the shortest route to various LT / Tut rooms. Things like that, insignificant but I would call it living smart. Hahaha. Recently I've done my first event planning in life; a newspaper fund raising project to support our OCIP trip to Chiangmai next June. From initial planning, writing proposals, seeking for permissions, contacting waste paper dealer, designing and printing of flyers to eventually the execution of the project. ( Which thankfully ended ysd, though on a high note I stupidly fell into the drain during the last min. I find it pretty amazing that people can actually still fall and get cuts at the age of 20 but let's leave my retardness aside for ...