When September ends,
Aloha Pill0w, here we meet again on the keyboard. :)
Okay Sep is ending soon as the title suggests, I'm amazed that I survived through last week, finishing up a close to 2k word essay apart from the other assignments I had was hell challenging, with all the formatting and citation and bibliography. It was like doing a written report all by myself. Which come to think of it I realize the only useful skill passed on from Jc was actually Pw skills. It was a depressing week to be honest, from my initial enthusiasm on Mon, to continual struggle on Tue, to desperation on wed and followed by devastation by Thur, where the deadline is the day after. Hereby I would like to end off noting that deadline is indeed the best motivator ever . I magically coughed out another 1000 words after stagnant at 500 for days on Friday and submitted it anyhow, with 17% plagiarism index but well, it's the best I could do before I go insane. :')
Drop these academic stuffs, since that this is only the start of everything. Things get tougher while we get better isn't it. Let's talk about my 20th birthday, though I'm a little held back that I have to come to terms with the fact that time did not leave me out, and now I'm part of the big two. Twenty, start of the 3rd decade in life, there are countless happenings in the past, times that I laughed with friends, cried for hours, got nervous, felt excited, fall in love and sometimes, fall out of it too. There are so much emotions and feelings I've experienced in life, though I know there're many more life events that has yet to come. Marriage, death, finance, responsibility, just to name a few. Growing up in Uni has taught me many things in life, I guess responsibility made up a great part of it. There're so many decisions to make everyday and honestly like mentioned, I never what' the perfect decision, but it was only that we are responsible for ourselves first, then we can lead people and make decision for others isn't it. Ah this is growing up I guess. ): Being close to an adult is such a heavy burden sigh.
Okay this blog is getting pessimistic, there is still a handful of things and people I enjoy in life of cause, and it was only because of them that I find life worth living. :) Okay not that I have any suicidal thoughts okay but just emphasising how much I cherish them. Hall is doing good, though I could probably manage it better. Agh okay I'm trying not to blog about hall activity cause I have to do the explanatory stuffs and I wonder how many people actually gets what I'm explaining. Right let's try. So Sheares hall had a week long of Buaya week, whereby each person is given a buaya that you can choose to either do nasty / nice stuffs to, on a anonymous basis. I have to admit that I did minimal things for this because I was pretty much tired from playing such game, especially after 3 weeks of SNDC previously, oh to which here's a snapshot of my SNDC date before I continue. :)
I guess my guiltiness din't kick in until I saw what my buayee ( the one that does nasty/good things for the buaya, aiya don't think people understand till here cause I myself took a long time to get the captions. ) did for me. Spider webbed the room with puzzle pieces scattered all over, covering up my entire mirror and left spiders over the blk for me to search for. And he ends off the week with a plate of fruits which again, I'm really grateful for people being so considerate knowing that I love fruits. :')
Right I'm starting to feel stupid if i continue to talk about hall stuffs it's taking up too much of my post oh well. Let's move on to birthday celebrations... but it's already 4 and I'm dead tired. Okay another day then. ( In case you haven't realize that my post is getting shorter and shorter with each new paragraph. )
Till then, the irresponsible me is going to sleep.