Our business is to be happy today.

At the end of the day, it's always here where I can find back myself whenever I'm lost. :)

Day 4 of academic term, and it feels like I've been put into this system for weeks, not that I'm well adapted to it but more or less things are settling down. As usual the term started with me telling myself that I will give in my all and pay full attention in lecture, and as usual too what happened was that I struggled to stay awake on first lecture, and by the second one I was already sleeping on the uncomfortable LT chair,by day 3 I'm back into my chatterbox identity and talked away my entire core mod lecture. Hahhaha Oh well, nothing to boast about this but, this is just so me. The me that tries to change into a better person but apparently does no wonders everytime. Hahaha what's new? But again considering that I spent 3 good hours in Reading room today it's still a little redemption for myself. However let's just not mention that out of that I spent more than half of the time spacing out.

Leave the academic part, people I met are, nice. A few chatty ones, some talked along really well, after all I consider myself as a good conversation starter. Even so, there are some that when I talk to them, I ended up having nothing to talk about and the reply I usually get back from the questions I asked is "eh I think you asked me this before." And I would recall that shortly after and goes like "Oh ya hor. I guess I did too." Now that's awkward. At times I wonder by the end of the Sem how many people will I really understand and befriend with, but at least I hope by then I can at least call out everyone's faculties and room level without hesitation. But if I were to make the effort to talk to each and every of them, eh I might not do it. After all, how many friends do you need in your life. I'm already feeling lonely some times without the presence of those few of you. ): May I manage my time better. I will.

On an interesting note, after being through a couple of camps which made me three shades tanner, and being put into the so called sports blk , many has mentioned that I have the sporty feel. Hahahaha good thing good thing, I wished I do too, but everytime I have to reply sheepishly that all I did was running, if they are kind enough to consider that as a form of sports. To be honest I fall in love with people's passion or talent easily, just anything they are good at. Cause I'm good at none, but I will. Hahahah I will be the blk nutritionist trololol. After I survive gen bio this Sem and complete my Food and Nutrition next Sem. Hahah okay what rubbish.

I need to end this nonsensical post since I'm not embarking on anything serious. Meh. And the weather is hot tonight. I'm getting sticky. Good night.


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