Separated by distance, joined by love.
Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one. :)
With that it pretty sums up the entire month my brother has stayed in Singapore, with the very last photo taken before Le mum sends him off to the airport. It was a good month, having been through how life would be like to have a sibling around in the house, and being the older one of the two. Albeit sometimes I couldn't stand his childish and irresponsible behaviors, ( not that I'm very mature at all times too.) I enjoyed his company whenever we get scolded together by our mum. I have no doubt come to know him better, given that one month is considerably long compare to the short term holidays I usually take when I go back China. After Le mum moved out from our room, we pretty much spent hours talking, or rather whispering to each other at night. And it was then I realize how talkative my brother is, just like me hohoho. We talked about almost everything under the sun, he shared with me about his friends his school his life, and then goes on asking me about mine, topics covering food movie places relationships sports studies music manga, and the list can just go on infinitely. While I'm glad that we are such chatty talkers, some nights I got so tired that I beg him to let me rest, and often than not he will say: Okay you go sleep since you need to work. But seconds after he turn his back facing me,he would turn back and say: "Oh just one more thing kay!" And then the conversations keeps on rolling again. I concluded that he is so hyperactive every night because while I'm the one that wakes up at 6.30 the next morning to work, he continues sleeping till four hours later Psk. But again I appreciate all these little night talks with him, albeit not much because many days by the time I got home he'd already crashed.
Moving on I'm especially thankful to have my friends being really accepting and nice to le bro whenever I brought him along. Given that he has no friends here I'm his only source of entertainment, oh and of cause his phone too. Thank you Ali for going USS together with le brother as blogged earlier, and 940 for going to Chingay with us together. Which I will be elaborate more.
First of all I have never been to one like such though I heard about it every year. For as far as I remember the only nation wide event I attended before was the National day ( rehearsal somemore psk. ) Celebration in primary 5 which was compulsory anyway. I have to say that I really enjoyed being in the crowd, attending something big. It was then I gave some thoughts on the importance and the interesting human behavior in a society and community. Well this reminds me of sociology which reminds me of the whole load shits of paper work I have to do for my uni application, oh and yes I have yet to draft a post for my A level results ahhh, sometime later maybe. Anyway thankfully we had Chua who manage to get us three VIP tickets since she was performing for the night, clearly VIP seats is equivalent to sitting near the GOH-s who of cause get the best views of everything, hence so do the lucky us :D Apart from the mass performances that was impressive and some astonishing, I got real excited when we spot Chua on the moving flower car at the finale part. ( Uh pardon me for the limited scope of vocab, coming from a GP C grader opps. ) Honestly a great source of happiness to me now come from seeing my friends indulging in happiness. And dear you look god damn gorgeous with your little peacock-ish costumes awww :')

But again just some personal opinion I think singers of today emphasis more on their physical look rather than how well they can actually sing, unlike in the past. Ok this is coming from the fact that the two singers my mum fancies aren't exactly great looking, what's more when they are in their 50s now already. Yet my mum just loves their voices. To my surprise she actually teared at some of their sentimental songs which made me a little panic and not sure what to do given that I rarely see her tears. It was indeed heartwarming to see people in their middle age, when they are parents or even grandparents themselves, still standing and cheering for their idols, though not as crazy as what youths cause I always assumed that it's a youth thingy. :O
Ah my post just got lengthy and draggy I'm going to end here. Considering that I still need to contemplate one post for my results and one for my Thailand trip, and more importantly, I have all the uni and scholarship applications to make. Hah not that there is a good chance that I can get one but, life is full of possibilities. Just to end off, thank you alibaba for being exceptionally nice and a chatty buddy with le brother, though he tends to laugh too much at random things, but aghhhh I love you ! :')
Ah my post just got lengthy and draggy I'm going to end here. Considering that I still need to contemplate one post for my results and one for my Thailand trip, and more importantly, I have all the uni and scholarship applications to make. Hah not that there is a good chance that I can get one but, life is full of possibilities. Just to end off, thank you alibaba for being exceptionally nice and a chatty buddy with le brother, though he tends to laugh too much at random things, but aghhhh I love you ! :')