A quick year passed, yet again.
The new year kicked off with a heartwarming family dinner with the relatives from my step father side. To which I deeply appreciate how they accepted me as a member of their family despite that we're not blood related.(On a side note my brother is coming over to Singapore for a one month long stay from end of Jan, I'm a little excited for his arrival considering that I always wished that I were to have some siblings growing up with me.) Right back to the story, I moved on to meet Alibaba and we had a good time at Mr Punch Roof top Bar. It's really nice up there if you grab the good seats which gives the skylines of the entire CBD area. Cozy enough for a chill at night. :') By the end of the day we concluded that it's really nice to have some money and spend a night away like this. And at times like this I want to emphasis how such indulgence in life motivates me to pursue further in my studies so as to earn more bucks but again I was reminded how Jon always frown upon my mindset of money equals to study. Piff, but this is the only way out for me to move up the social ladder you see. I don't have the qualities needed to be an entrepreneur.
Life simply has too much thing and it's hard to remember them one by one.
I have finally settled down in front of the computer after countless days of sinking into the
wake up- get out of house - come home at midnight - sleep cycle ever since I returned. Well so what have I achieved? Sadly nothing constructive, but to some comfort, I did manage to catch up with some good old friends. :)
Following up we stayed over at Mogu's house as a Npcc tradition (or is it not?) since a year ago. I was so tired that I couldn't move my lips to engage in the conversations among the rest thus the stayover, uh, to be honest did not really help me in pulling us together closer as how I thought it would. It was more of like a normal everyone-come-over gathering instead of any girls htht night. Right maybe those who were awake the whole night did have a good talk.( But it was freaking 5am already! D: Y'all zombies! ) Hmph kay, lesson learnt; should never attempt to sleep during a sleepover next time. Nonetheless I enjoyed watching The perks of a wallflower, while lying on mattress half awake.
I love it personally as the movie touches on subjects like drugs, adolescence, abuse and homosexuality, which really sets people thinking. Yes I do want to go a step deeper into these topics and express some of my personal views but my whole body is aching badly from the yoga session earlier in the day such that my brain is affected too, it can't think straight now. ( And I remember that I somehow plan to do a movie review on Life of Pi too, damn. Why nowadays movie all so inspirational need brain to absorb fully. ) Nvm about that. sigh, I will now practice the skill of procrastination till, heaven knows when.
Despite that there is so many events happening everyday but I have to bring this up. Here's my two best friends, and also my only friends from the various primary schools I was in years back.I'm really glad that we are still able to meet up and talk occasionally, even if it's just once or twice a year. For y'all have been a great company those years and even if we have all moved on to different paths in our life now, it's good to keep in touch with y'all. I'm not religious but I do believe in fate bringing people together,so it's really a blessing for me to have meet you girls in my life.And especially the lovely lady on the right, despite that you do not know the existence of this blog. I'm really thankful that after seven years of not seeing you, we can still open up to each other and thank you, for letting me really appreciate what I have in my life. It's been really long since I got away from the life that you are still stuck in right now, I've got a stable place to live in and upgrading to a 5 room flat soon while you still have to carry everything and shift houses every couples of months; I've received the citizenship while you still have to bear all the enormous extra fees charged at non-citizens, I've got a family to share my life with while you are still left alone on all sorts of festivals; and my mum will still be by my side next year while yours have to go back as we reach the age of 21. My life could be just the same as yours, but I got away. And I really want to thank you for letting me learn how fortunate I am now,the stability, the accompany, everything. I genuinely hope that life gets better for you, in any way possible.
Now this is making me so emotional. Agh and I realize I can never end the post if I regurgitate out every single event before I even begin on my new year resolution. wts.
Forget it. T__T Bye readers, you've an irresponsible blogger here who is going to abandon her blog for a jog.
Life simply has too much thing and it's hard to remember them one by one.
On a sidenote S3 is such a pain in the ass. I have to send it to repair. Thankfully I'm used to having no data plan, well trained from years of schooling. Piff, but I need Google map recently really desperately, nah nevermind about that,train my independence. May internship turn out well.