The origin.
This is an ongoing account of my A level progress.
5th Nov 2012
First subject down, whilst various social networking sites are inundated with a huge saga on "soothing the savage breast" from the comprehension. Well I've read a passage with that quotation just a few days back, what an coincidence. Though that did not help with anything in my answers. Paper was badly done generally but that's alright cause it's never my strength anyway. Instead I'm quite relieved now,even if this is just the beginning of the end.9th Nov 2012
Day 5, and it's finally half done. Went off to watch skyfall with classmates after the paper,well. I have no much comments for the entire A level. It's not that terrible because I have experience many exams like this in my two years in vj. At the same time, judging from my past results in vj, my result slip in march is going to be very, very terrible. Agh, Nevermind.The next one week is going to pass by very slowly.
The Sun still rises tomorrow.
11th Nov 2012
Occasionally.. right fine everyday I spend some of my time recalling the past, not with any exact purpose though. On good mood days I think back and smile for the wonderful memories with you, while on bad ones I get regret for not walking through the hardships together when there was obstacle. Yet again it's always there,right from the very beginning,I just merely chose to run away from it. My selfishness, do forgive me for my greedy of wanting to spend more time with you.Before I tidy up this mess and back to hit the books, I really want to apologize for my nonsensical texts the past months. I tried way too hard to get a response from you. Yet when you finally did, I backed out. Apart form fearing that you wouldn't reply should I have continued, the tone of the text scares me too, it shouts right into my face on our new relation; barely friend, barely I would say.
You were right, we need time.
Everything has to get worse before it gets better.
12th Nov 2012
This is it. Another movie tonight. I don't like this whole exam, well who does?
I love wedding scenes, a billion times and I will never get tired of it. I love listening to the marriage vows, even if it's in the show, even if in reality people ended up divorcing after all the "I-do'-s. But I still love it,and I wish, I really do wish that I only have to say this once.
"I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life."
16th Nov 2012
Like I've predicted, the past one week was the longest seven days I have ever spent, for as long as I could remember. Oh mine,even waiting for your camps to break back then wasn't this torturous. But nonetheless I survived it in one full piece, three more papers come on come onnnn. I just can't wait. Despite having so much things left to study, I just could beg no more for it to end. I'm thankful that Alibaba is around in such deep shit hole with me, struggling as one. Hahaha not trying to be sadist here but yeah, it's good seeing people on same boat with you y' know. And I wonder when is the next time we can lie on the ground again, do nothing but looking into the sky, while a million thoughts run past your mind; what are you going to become ten years down the road, married? have kids? who will be by your side by then? Your families, friends, and lover? I love moments like that, when you let your mind lie horizontally on the plane and let it extends into a million roads of thoughts.
22nd Nov 2012

And that marks the end of the second last paper, I was more relieved than anything else the moment when the main invigilator said "pens down." Sounded like melodies to my ear I swear, despite that my economics is poorly done. Aww if someone is still here he would probably look down on me for being not working hard enough, well. I'm just not as studious academically, but one can't just define a person solely based on results, that's what society does, not friends. Had a short rolling in the sand session before I headed home and change for npcc campfire at AHS with the girls.

To be honest the campfire wasn't that eye catching, probably cause we have moved on too far away from those old days in Npcc. It was more of the girls' company that made my night and stayover, oh yes I love staying over at other's house. Heh, I love being in a new environment and I love listening to the sound of the Lil waterfall outside the basement. Feels like in a forest, which again if anyone were to really throw me into a forest for a night I would probably rot away with million species of insects in the soil. Oh irony of human being, which reminds me of this new constructing condominium near my house with the attractive captions on how eco-friendly their infrastructure would be. Yet people seems to forget the fact that they created this 'artificial' sense of greenery at the price of clearing away large area of precedent green-land.

Right moving on I cycled under the scorching sun with friends after the stay over. Ha first time cycled beyond East coast park, I always thought the end of ecp is a dead-end and little did I know there is a way out by make a left turn. Seems applicable to life again, something like there is always a way out and nothing can't be solved. So even if my A level results come back to me really hurting to the eyes next year, it's not like I'm gonna be a failure for life. At the end of the day, we are all able to find our purpose in life, purpose of living, and thereby lead on a fulfilling life.

Catch the movie at Cathay. Oh do not question me for the high frequency of movies during examination period please despite that there should be a negative correlation between the two. I love the movie even though it's a little cliche, and the start of the show catches my eyes. Which I was thinking I want to do a post on terrorism and national security sometime soon. And also to reconsider joining the SAF, ah what's with this sudden sense of patriotism found for the nation, Hahahah.
Oh man I don't wanna go out anymore the past few days has been so tiring, sigh pie. And oh yes oh yes, the exam is not over yet I need to constantly remind myself this for the next 6 days before I officially break free from VJC on Wednesday.
On a side note as I was reading Alibaba's blog I suddenly realize I still kind of, not yet, made the birthday post. Agh. okay before 2012 ends,sure enough. Maybe can combine with new year post, yeap.