“No matter how much suffering you went through, you never wanted to let go of those memories.”
I think I just did something terrible, omgosh, my brain must be not functioning. Damn, whatever I have done I'm terribly sorry for not managing my emotions better.

The day moved on meeting weiting in the late evening for a short catch up after another half a year since I last met her.Honestly I'm glad at how she value our friendship, always accommodating to my seemingly busy schedule, that includes taking off day just to meet me up today, for listening to me the whole time. I swear I'm just so blessed with a couple of sincere and faithful friends around me. I guess we ourselves are the only ones who know how close we are to a person, somewhat same principle as being in a relationship or walking in a shoe, while the others only see it from outside, you are the only one that knows if it fits perfectly. Which reminds me of another analogy regarding how friendship is like peeing in your pants, while everyone sees it only you feel the warmth. Well sorry I'm overly reliant on friendship now cause I think this wall of trust is stronger than relationships, much more tough. But yeah, I don't have intention to edit my blog layout because I secretly believe that you will be back as a friend someday, and probably becoming my only close guy friend. To which till this day I still don't quite get how to maintain a clear cut friendship with friends of opposite sex. Agh too much rules of the game.
Rule eight,8. Trust your feelings. Your inner voice will tell you that everything will be OK.
I don't quite get it, I don't think I'm allowed to really show my feelings cause it's, prohibited in a way. Though I guess that I broke it and kind of threw a big fuss earlier on, sigh. I think my period is coming that's why moodswing tonight. must be. I honestly need to address to my pimple face and stop ignoring it before it leaves scars all over in the long run, the conditions are so bad now sigh. And secondly I need to readjust myself and stop running away by packing myself with busy schedules that isn't gonna work considering that I am not suppose to be outside hooha-ing at all. I need to learn to face it calmly when I'm left alone and stop keep avoiding the consequences. And thirdly I need to spend sometime home, sorting out the presents and the mountain high past year papers, done and undone, i need to pack things up, but, sigh I don't like the idea of facing my mum at home, nor do I want to be at home alone. Agh cannot, I must smile in trouble, gather strength from distress and grow brave by reflection :')
Aiyo I still have so much to blog about but I'm just so tired now. But agh I just have so much on mind to tell you everyday.
Aiyo I still have so much to blog about but I'm just so tired now. But agh I just have so much on mind to tell you everyday.