
An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time-some time for forgetting.
- The English Patient.

Right I'm back again,the day was pretty fine studying out at Carl's Jr with wahshuan, and she got me adorable birthday presents :') Aww I gotta show you guys what my lovely babes bought for me someday.( Though ironically they're exactly the ones who reads this, fine.. Hi babe :') ) Opps this reminds me that I have yet to publish my under-construction birthday post. well soon,soon.Not much events today except that there was this insurance agent trying to persuade his customer beside us for the entire afternoon. To which I find that it's really a tough job, sitting for hours repeating the same thing over again, forcing a fake smile to all customer's request. Well maybe all jobs aren't easy. Kay Junting study hard yo! If you want a more easy going job next time, but, nowadays graduates also no jobs sigh, aghh okay Junting, you must study real hard and get scholarship with bond you hear me ;'D Ahhhz need to survive in the society. 

And uh I got two discs from the library today, first time renting audio material quite excited hoho hope it's playable. To which I can't help but to complement on Singapore's public service awww. Firstly leave alone the fact that China doesn't even have public libraries despite being a merit good that generates positive externalities. (Yay I'm an econs student.) Secondly after years of experience with mugging in the library, an obvious change is that there are more and more tables and chairs for the students/self-employed, take for instance recently, originality the space only can fit up to six seats now that they have changed the arrangement and added new chairs, the same space expanded almost thrice it's capacity. One no longer have to face the disappointment of all seats taken when you stepped into the library barely three minutes later than the opening hours.Lastly a notable change is that the NLBs started loaning out electronic gadgets such as ipads and kindles, and later on I've learn that people can actually loan it home for up to two weeks gosh. Why so nice I secretly touched by little actions of the NLBs. :') Kay I like this place man.

And that's all to the happy moments of the day, I was soon summoned back home for a family conference with everyone with regards to my non-existing boyfriend. And things were just, bad. But at least I was fortunate enough to grab my keys and run out of the house halfway during dinner, just couldn't stand it anymore damnnn. And I was more than glad that there's still a tiny little corner I can resort to,away from the temporary shit hole,well just for this period I guess. I mean,sure enough things will get better and home will always be the safest habor after all, but the atmosphere was so terrible at the dining table.I enjoy the fresh air, the starry sky, ( okay not starry cause you don't get to see much stars in Singapore.) and most importantly the precious glimpse of freedom. Oh there it is,a crescent in the sky tonight, symbolizing a new start I hope. Tomorrow will be a better day :'D 

Rule 4. 
Don't be a doormat. 
Wait this doesn't apply at all. uh skip. Rule 5 then, 
5. Keep busy. 
Yeahhh that;s the way man, to which I guess I'm doing fine. Starting with the "Jogging therapy" that I just started three days back, since I can't afford for a "Retail therapy" instead, right shall take it as a new 30 days challenge. :'D True enough that the last thing you should do is to lock yourself in the room and ruminate, kay, gotta free your mind so your heart can heal. Well which come to think of it I think I wasn't hurt badly, right probably by my mum but awww kwek is such a nice guy to which I felt quite loved until the very last moment. :') Thank you, for being for understanding and uh, for liking me for this short period of time in your life. :')   


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