
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” 

― Dr. Seuss

Yes cliche much I know. But yeah, I can't just let my life fall into a state of devastation. And perhaps I should have promised you not to cry anymore after yesterday, because just as much as you don't want me to, I don't want you to shed anymore tear after yesterday. Tear does no work but make our already-tiny-eyes even smaller baby so yeah.:) After all, no amount of tears can bring us back together again, so, uh. Yeap. Don't cry.

Today is a pleasant day, so far. Hope I don't fall back into depression later though, I hate night time, ever since yesterday hmph. And is just so weird that your brain automatically starts to run wild when the night falls. Illogical logic. Well went for Library book sale at EXPO in the morning with 940 and grabbed a few good books for myself at $2 each. Such great deal. :D     

Indeed, each one of us has lived through thousands of episodes of fundamental change every day, and the fact that you're no longer here is just one of the changes. I'm in a way thankful that we din't text much back then because if not it will be too obvious that you're gone now. Which sets me thinking that people should never get too dependent on anyone. Which is why I bought the book "The power of Self-dependence.' today. Relationship are just too fragile and one shouldn't invest too much of their life into it, put your time to some other good use,like qualifications and friends, after all they don't just vanish the very next day. Right but I blame no one except myself for letting us ending in such state, and I'm just so terribly sorry, for making you cry. oh damn. God knows that's the last thing I want to see from you. K faster get over then can be friends again kay. But. well, I just want to continue liking you, I don't want to make any attempt to get over,I just want to see how long can I keep you in my heart. I mean definitely we are going to move on to the next phase in our lives but,I just want to like you, at least for now. I don't see why must I force you out from my mind because even if I can't chose who to be together with, at the very least I have the freedom to chose who to love.

well, and sorry I guess I just teared. Agh that's why I hate it when night falls. And I realize I contradicted myself, I don't care I spoiled brat.  

"I allow myself to run the risks that I decide to run, the only condition being that I agree to pay the price myself for those risks." 


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