Here is the world.

Finally settled down, after countless changes with blog designs the entire night. The sudden burst of interest in.. uh this particular type of art. What a shame that I don't even know the jargon term of it. ): Well sometimes I don't know if these amazing art work deters me and propels me. On one side I can never wish enough to be able to produce such art pieces, while on the other I know how distant I am away from that fat little dream. After a night of searching, my favorite one is no doubt put up with the heading of my blog. Perhaps a little revealing for some but I really really love the feeling it gives me, so why not. ( At times like this I can't help but to wonder what if I took Art in J1, life would be slightly different, I guess? )
Common test 2 is over. That makes it 131 days more to the As. Oh well how familiar, used to do this two years back. And how I wish it was the As that ended today, honestly I felt nothing in particular the moment I stepped out from the hall today 'cause I know what future for the next five months lies ahead of me. Hush, let's forget about these drudgery in life, temporarily. So uhm, just gonna do a brief summary on a few things I learnt over the June holiday, shall we?
Conclusion one; people are relying on technologies but not each other. It feels so much so that it's in fact the ever changing technologies and various digital devices that are accompanying us everyday, it has replaced the initial emptiness, idle time, it eats into the time we are suppose to be studying, communicating or even sleeping. We can have everything on the internet, twitter, online shopping, youtube. There was a period of time whereby I would tell myself to turn off the computer and sleep, yet what I did was continue surfing the net with my phone on bed. Well despite being surrounded by all these rah-rah, I think humans are feeling ever lonelier. We stop by to look at phones every few minutes, we refresh twitter constantly to check on updates by others, we feel uneasy and depressed when people did not get back to our texts, e-mails. These codes and html are what controlled our emotions. Thus far, it is impractical/impossible for me to stay abstain from the internet and mobile, ( or perhaps I just no guts to stay away from them completely.) However I guess I did reduce my phone and computer usage by a great deal over the holiday, mainly accounted by the hard truth that I have to study. Nonetheless I'm highly dubious with myself being able to quell the usage of phone someday. :(
Conclusion two; do not make comparison with life of others. It took me sometime to get over with this. Once again hooked with technology, applications like Instagram and twitter is somehow transforming ordinary life of people into legends. People tends to post solely the cheery and exuberant side of their life while turning the dark side away from their audience. And according to, well personal experiences, the longer time you spend on watching other people's happiness, the more mournful you may feel. It's like you start to make comparisons. You question yourself why others is out having fun while you have to face the books. Situation is more often than not made worse by the presence of uncountable ninja muggers in the school, like those Mr and Miss Perfects who (seems to) ace in all aspects of  their life. Well it seems taht people have paid high emotional prices by stalking on others. 
Conclusion three; if you spend your life chasing after happiness, you will never be happy. Happiness is ubiquitous, it just that we did not bother to appreciate it. Being able to meet up with friends occasionally is happiness. A call from your best friend at random time of the day is happiness, Listening to your favorate piece during a bus ride is happiness. Even walking on the road and feeling a breeze blowing at you, is a source of happiness. I guess it's really up to us on how we want to fix our perspective, to open up the window to happiness, and you will realize that the world under your eyes is made up of a castle of happiness. Alas trying to act like poetic Junting now. As a kid, we don't know what will become of us when we grow up; As a teen, we don't know what we will become in our mid-age; As we grow old, we don't know what will happen to us as we leave the world. We spend our life anticipating the ideal future, and afraid of the present in the reality. It seems that future always comes by unnoticed, while we lost our present while waiting for it. 如果只是静静的等,幸福永远都只是一朵飘在窗外的云。           

Ending off with a snap-shot with my dearies taken on 940's birthday. :) May your coming year be yet another fabulous one and may I always be with you, 18, 28, till maybe 88. Hahaha Long live us. Okay practically speaking life expectancy rate for female is 84.59 in Singapore. So Yeap we can do it! :') 

Have not really been touching up on music due to my mundane life of studies, especially Chinese ones. But Mayday never fails to touch me all these years. They simply got the magical field to produce meaningful musics videos that pacifies your soul and touches your heart gently.

Alright rolling away to settle a million more stuffs. :') Searching for suitable courses ( again, upon giving up business admin. ) in University is so tedious and lackluster. Especially it annoys me most of the time 'cause I honest don't know what exactly do I want to be ten years down the road. It troubles me all along, apart from the approval of my Os result, not knowing my realm of interest made up the other half of the reason why I ended up in JC. Oh well, five more months. C'me on. Quell the complains and mug hard. 


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