A bold start is half the battle.

Alright time check it's 11.47pm now, well that's approximately 9 hours more to the first CT2 paper.Despite the inexorable urge to blog, there seems only two ways lying ahead of me, either I shut the computer and study, or I go to sleep. Neither sounds appealing to me now honestly. ): It's the usual mini panic attack I got before every exam. Perhaps even a little more nervous this time round because I did put in efforts, no doubt it wasn't 100% considering I went out for six days during the entire holiday. ( Which I'm really glad I did. ) Frankly speaking I am expecting a better result than CT1, and it's just the fear that "what if it turns out worse" agonized me. What does it reflect, I'm just really afraid that the result will come back to me with the cold hard truth that despite efforts, I'm incapable of doing well for exams, and ultimately the A level. That thought terrifies me. 

Conversely, on a more lighthearted note,there is always something to be thankful for in life. Receiving texts from all my five precious ones respectively just the night before exam made me feel so loved. It's like knowing I'm not alone after all in midst of these miseries, just how fortunate I am to have all of you. For that, I shall embrace the rest of the night with a sanguine mind. :)     


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