
Showing posts from June, 2012

Here is the world.

Finally settled down, after countless changes with blog designs the entire night. The sudden burst of interest in.. uh this particular type of art. What a shame that I don't even know the jargon term of it. ): Well sometimes I don't know if these amazing art work deters me and propels me. On one side I can never wish enough to be able to produce such art pieces, while on the other I know how distant I am away from that fat little dream. After a night of searching, my  favorite one is no doubt put up with the heading of my blog. Perhaps a little revealing for some but I really really love the feeling it gives me, so why not.  ( At times like this I can't help but to wonder what if I took Art in J1, life would be slightly different, I guess? ) Common test 2 is over. That makes it 131 days more to the As. Oh well how familiar, used to do this two years back. And how I wish it was the As that ended today, honestly I felt nothing in particular the moment I stepped out from t...

A bold start is half the battle.

Alright time check it's 11.47pm now, well that's approximately 9 hours more to the first CT2 paper. Despite the inexorable urge to blog, there seems only two ways lying ahead of me, either I shut the computer and study, or I go to sleep. Neither sounds appealing to me now honestly. ): It's the usual mini panic attack I got before every exam. Perhaps even a little more nervous this time round because I did put in efforts, no doubt it wasn't 100% considering I went out for six days during the entire holiday. ( Which I'm really glad I did. ) Frankly speaking I am expecting a better result than CT1, and it's just the fear that "what if it turns out worse" agonized me. What does it reflect, I'm just really afraid that the result will come back to me with the cold hard truth that despite efforts, I'm incapable of doing well for exams, and ultimately the A level. That thought terrifies me.  Conversely, on a more lighthearted note,there is always som...

just another day worth remembering.

what a day, gosh. Great htht after all. Right, that's all, good night world.  Hope everyone gets a good night sleep.

Ways to Happiness

Being happy is something we all want, although not everyone seems to be that good at it. Yet there is a range of routes in which the right method can be found for many different personalities. Here are some methods you can use to make yourself happier and also to help others to cheer up. Three key routes to happiness: Sensory Hedonism : Pleasure through direct experience. Achievable Challenge : Happiness from hard work. Devoted Service : Happiness by helping others. Specific techniques to make you happy: Achieving Expertise : Authoritative pattern-matching. Act Happy : Acting happy can make you happy. Active Life : Just keep doing things. Aligned Integrity : Be you. Believing Vision : Seeing thing positively. Constructive Activism : Find a cause to champion. Contemplative Life : Live quietly. Creative Action : Bringing things into existence. Expressing Gratitude : Just being thankful. Engaging Hobby : Skilled leisure activity. Expressive Writing : Writing away the bad stuff. Fa...


六月五日迎来了人生第一个完美的日落,虽然刺眼,但还是专注的凝望着,看着她从火红到柔和直到沉入云端,天出其不意的暗了下来,当时过于投入在寻思着某件事,以至于不知什么时候起遍地突然灯火通明,仿佛天边的太阳化成了地下目不暇接密密麻麻的霓虹灯。或许多年以后根本不会记得那天的日期,但记忆终究会存在着。美好的,回忆。 虽然在这个节骨眼上开始老生常谈歪理歪气的谈起爱情会凸现我的无知,但毕竟心里总觉得要说些什么抒发出来不写不快。 曾经有人说“彼此都有意而不说出来是爱情的最高境界。 这个时候两人都在尽情的享受媚眼,尽情的享受目光相对时的火热心理,尽情的享受手指相碰时的惊心动魄。一旦说出来,味道会淡许多,因为两人同意以后,所有的行为都是已被许可,已有心理准备的了,到最后渐渐会变得麻木。”于是乎现在选择了若隐若离模棱两可的关系,一来觉得两个人在一起后会把一切看作是理所当然,开始对对方提出苛刻的要求甚至于无理取闹,人性亦是如此,贪婪使人们变本加厉开始觉得一个人这也不好那也不好却忘了当初什么都没有的时候的那份惆怅,很久以后当你终究失去了他们后才来后悔莫及。二来总觉得现代人们的爱情观来去匆匆,貌似从相识到相爱只需要短短的几个星期甚至几天,而在日后的相处的时间里才发现对方不是自己理想或般配的对象最后分手。想想其实分手没什么不好毕竟大家好聚好散,但每次分手以后大家连朋友都不是的那种无奈与伤感,真的和萧雅轩的那首歌一样:最熟悉的陌生人。曾经那么的亲密无间无所不谈的两个人,可能在一夜之间像说好了一样同时玩起了失忆的游戏。更要命的是有时候失忆还得用装的。三来举止一算自己进进出出了这么多恋爱,也算是终于怕了。你怎么可能就在短短几个月认识一个人然后自信满满的认定他是这辈子和你常相厮守的那位,尚若你对你们的将来丝毫没有把握你有什么理由和他在一起,如果最终的结果是失去一个曾经亲密无间的朋友要么就根本不要开始啊。我真的不是不相信爱情,也不是不相信你,只是,不再相信自己了。 其实说了这么多说说穿了说的都是自己。人们总是在犯了错之后适当的推卸责任,为自己布置个稳稳当当的台阶走下去不会太失颜面。我想我也是。一直以来都从未是一个完美的人,但我想我真的有努力的让自己在成长中成为一个更好的人。