Pretty much idling.

 Been really long since I last take, or rather post a photo of myself, leave alone putting on the eye liner. Though on the side note, it indeed made my eye look bigger. Meh. Investing into eye-liner after A level ;') Life's really good recently I would say.Celebrated Chua's 18th with a pleasant yet failed surprise at 12am down her flat with 940; getting along well with all my lovely tuitees and quitted GP tuition myself after all; had long hours of htht with mum surprisingly about academics; been trying to put aside time to spend with old friends. ( I always believe that there'll be time for leisure if I were to be more efficient when I sit in front of the study table. But I'm not achieving it sigh. ); had an really awesome and heart-delighting date on May day. And now all I'm hoping for is everything to remain the same, for a really long time. :] 

Well recently I thought of being contented with whatever I've achieved so far, which means I could perhaps not work so hard for the six months. ( But it seems like a stupid idea to everyone cause that's just a nicer way of  attempting to find excuses for not studying hard enough. :/ ) Had awesome lunch together with one of my tuitee's family on one of the Saturdays, felt just so great to sit by a table with a family, chatting along the way. Hope next time my own family can have family time together over the dining table too. Pace of life is too hasty in this world now. People took years to invent pills that  provide all the nutrients you need for the day so as to save the time you spent to eat. Oh come on, isn't the process of eating a great joy itself, and in fact the fundamental need of  human being?  

K. It's pretty late. Good night world. 


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