
Showing posts from April, 2012

The foreign workers.

I guess many Singaporeans do not associate themselves with foreign workers, especially the construction workers. At the sight of them, many  of us think that they are loud stinks and may be even rapist.  People go on complaining about how they crowd our public spaces and overload the transport system, yet forgetting the fact that are the ones who are willing to do jobs that almost no locals will do.  I guess I'm more biased towards the foreign workers cause I always tends to feel unfair by the way they are treated in relative to the amount of work they contributed. ( In this post I'm referring to the Low end wage workers.) Paradoxical as it is, I wouldn't deny the fact that I always subconsciously avoid the area where a group of foreign workers gather at, eg. Void decks whereby they take afternoon naps. Until something happened earlier this afternoon made me into re-thinking about my perceptions of them all over again.  So I was on my way home under the scorchi...

Just, in-between.

Sunflowers are really delightful flowers. :] Captured the photo today over at a florist shop while picking the African daisy below for a classmate of mine as she was the female lead for one of the Chinese drama play which I watched later on at night. First time really stepping into a florist shop and took a walk around. Working or even setting up a shop like that sounds pretty good to me. Sometime I dislike the way my mum portray my future whereby I must do this and this, or by repeating over and again there's only one path I should and could take - Civil service. I mean, alright I don't detest such a job but, I just naively thought that perhaps we have a broad range of career paths to choose from. Meh, Okay just a childish comment. Competitive world. I always hate how tuition has become a must for students because everyone is going, and if you don't, you are on the losing end. Hate how students compete among each other and making the whole world st...

初恋这件小事 ♥

“在我们每一个人的内心深处,都藏着一个人,每次想起他的时候,会觉得有一点点心痛,但我们依然愿意把他留在心底。就算今天,我不知道他在哪里,他在做些什么,但至少知道,是他让我了解,什么是初恋这件小事。” --- 小水 从两年前听说这个电影时的嗤之以鼻,到今晚看的催人泪下,有史以来看过最唯美的青春文艺片。爱情片果然还是装满人们的眼泪,在步入结局的时候满载而归,豪不心软。 可是什么时候开始,电影中完美的爱情在现实生活中却露出了如此狞恶的面孔,人们口口声声说着电影不过是现实的写真,亲,不要开玩笑了。我累了。到底是人们内心无止的贪婪,还是这个腐败的社会风气,一手酿成了当今被人当成笑柄的,爱情两个字。 我想长大成人这件事最令人恐惧的地方之一,在于,你或许会变成自己曾经最看不起的那种人。数数自己已经换过多少对象了?很久以前,十三岁的自己幻想过和心仪的人搭乘一辆长途巴士,从头,到尾。就这样安静地相依相偎,让时间就此为我们驻足。亲,还记得初恋么,曾经幼稚的以为不论悲欢离合喜怒哀乐我们都会在一起一辈子,每一次想到分手后这辈子就再也不能在一起的那种揪心的痛。曾经何时,用心一笔一划的记录了我们一路走来的点点滴滴,几番周折,那本册子在三年后的最终的命运还是栽进了垃圾桶,心,也随之沉淀了。 再后来,不论是谁,都不曾像你一样波动我的心弦。再也没有相遇时的怦然心动,没有每次见面时的雀跃心跳声,没有一个人的笑容能让自己整个心随之荡漾。初恋,果然是一颗苦涩却又甘甜的果子。 小时候,爱情很简单。只要我喜欢你,你也喜欢我,我们就能快乐的长长久久。 第一次暗恋的人,像刚萌芽的爱恋,眼神偷偷地瞄过去,在他转头的那一霎那匆匆移开,背地里少不了谈论他的一切,明明内心里激动的要命,玩在一起的时候却大大方方的喧哗着,和他安排到同桌的时候暗暗窃喜,成为每天上学的主要动力,却又假装表面上一百个不愿意。就这样简单的度过了多少日子,以至于对小学唯一深刻的记忆就是暗恋过同桌的你。 后来呀,我们都慢慢长大,心里开出了成千上万个爱情幻想的泡泡,可那么多的美好憧憬,都在生活中被一一敲碎。人们说着爱情让人不想睡觉,因为最美好的事已经发生在现实里;但是没有人告诉我要容忍情侣之间鸡毛蒜皮的吵闹,要面对父母家人的极力反对,还有,没有人告诉我人的心,会变。原来的爱情很大,大到可以包容一百种委屈,但原来的爱情...